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I had a similar thing happen on another site. I sent the webmaster an email, you should be able to do this without registering, and he explained how to sort it....
I'm new to forum,and do not have access to Undrugged.I was wondering why everyone is so uptight about an "invite".I would think authorities could access if they want to.I guess you have to make a lot of post's to get the "invite".Just curious. Have a Great Day!
I had an idea,if I was to pm someone my reliable vendors(if you believe me) and what I purchaced would that get me an "invite"? I'm not one to make a lot of posts.Just curious again. Have a great day!
Here, I'll translate what you said, and you may understand.
"Why are drug cartels set up so anyone can join who wants to. I'm not LE, I just want some drugs!"
Be discreet and you might find what you seek