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About the cakes/mold

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion cosmicdeep
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Glandeuse Pinéale
If one has a fully colonised cake with a small area of the cake containing mold- why shouldnt/should be smart just to CAREFULY cut of the contaminated part (with some sharp sterilised blade/object or smth.) in some isolated place? (afterwards fruiting the cake separately from otherones)I excuse myself if it is a dumb question :roll: ... Thanks.
mold is never local, but is in the whole cake. If you have a rotten orange, would you eat the half that hasn't got a spot on it?
Its also about the spores . They are to small to see , the air gets full of them , they get everywhere and its extremely hard to stop them spreading mold around the place . They stick to everything and can cause contamination for years . As soon as you see contamination you should throw the whole cake / jar / container away , at best without even opening it . Its a bit like aids , once you have it you cant get rid of it , only fight against it and , if you are lucky , keep it under controll .

Its better to learn from it . To think where it came from , what you might have done or not done to cause it and what you can do to make sure it doesnt happen again . If you are growing on corn it probably came because you didnt steralise it enough .
with mold as I understand there's little you can do to stop infection of the rest of the cake but i thought i had read somethign about this on shroomery but it turns out to be with slow growth i suppose?

Some of my cakes start OK then slows down to almost stopping.When this happens you don’t have to throw the cake out, a small operation can save the cake and even though the flush will be reduced you still get a gram or two.
The Procedure.
First pic shows a cake I cut, notice how full the cut is, you should use as sharp a knife as you can.Prepare an area for working by washing with bleach and spraying Lysol on the surface and wear gloves.The idea is to cut the uncolonized part of the cake off, leaving you with a cake with 1 small part removed.

Remove the cake from the jar and wash under running water. Get a sharp knife and plan where to cut the uncolonized part of the cake off, cut the part off with 1 cut no sawing or gouging, 1 cut.Next dunk for 18 hours.Dbl end case your cake and make sure you pile plenty over the cut part of the cake this helps prevent contaminations.

A small flush but better than nothing and if you have a few cakes that go in this direction then a few grams is better than total failure.

Unfortunately the pictures wouldnt paste but heres the link
http://www.shroomery.org/8413/Scotsmans ... -Cake-Tips
"A small flush but better than nothing and if you have a few cakes that go in this direction then a few grams is better than total failure. "

If they get infection throw them away , and learn from it , rather than infecting your growing place with molds and / or bacteria that will infect and destroy your future atempts . Spores are not expensive and once you have sucsess you can make your own spore prints . Another thing is use a method that is not prone to contamination .
First check if it's mold and not blueing of the mycelium. I you can wash/scratch if off, it's mold.

Sane advice is to throw away molded cakes right away. I often put them aside and watch it for a week, sometimes the mold get's completely covered and it can still have normal flushes. Safest bet is to throw them out tho.
:D Thanks guys for the advices. My cakes fortunately are not contaminated, yet...Its about 13-14 days from injecting the spores and i have only about half colonized cakes. The thing is my friend is watching the cakes at his place cause i am at the colledge half of the week (im going to see the cakes today).He says that the mycelium was growing much faster, last 4 or 5 days. I have already asked that question,got no response (probably not interesting...) and iwould like to ask it again. How long does it take to wait for the full colonisation of the cake? What i meant to ask is can the mycelium at some time stop to grow- like after more than 3 weeks or a month? When do you know ,-when cake not fully colonised-, that mycelium wont grow anymore? Thanks,again
Guys my mycelium started to grow very slow. what the hell should i do? i did everithing wright...the temperature, total dark,fresh air (sligtly all the time)... what the fu... should i change? help GOD dammit! Please...
Could you take a good foto of it and post it , maybe someone can look at it and has some ideas about what is going on . Its hard to say anything if we cant see it .
You have nothing to see on the pictures, just half colonised/ cotton wool like (4) cakes (mycelium growings on the different sides of cakes has not yet got together), in a large box out of paper (in dark) on the propriate temperature. Its 17 days from inoculation. half colonized so far...