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About harvested mushrooms

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Aerogel
  • Date de début Date de début


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 102
I have harvested my first spawn of mushrooms, cubensis, from the kit I've bought from you (Azarius). They look fine, but I want to keep them "fresh" until this weekend, because the taste is somewhat better then the dried ones. How long can I keep them out of the fridge whitout problems?
just put them in a paper bag so something like that or wrap 'em in paper. don't put them in plastic bags or airtight containers because they will rot!

they might dry out a little but not like really dries shrooms.

have fun!
How do I now if they are rot?
Can they still be eaten?
If they are rotten you will smell it from a big distance /forum/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

The best thing is to keep them in a dry place, so the shrooms can dry a little.
I was affraid that they were roten, but they dont smell anything besides that shrommy flavor /forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I think there OK.
One other question... I have weighted them today, and I have a total of 60 grams, and I have a party tomorrow where i'm going to eat some of them. How much should I eat to have a medium trip? Can I get a bad trip for taking to many?
It's the second time i will eat this shrooms from azarius, and in the first time I didnt weighted them. But I've eaten 2 small shrooms and I've get a relly trip flight, not very potent, but not very soft too.
eat 15g or somehting like that.
a good solid trip is 25-30g.
so figure out what you want /forum/images/graemlins/cool.gif

enjoy /forum/images/graemlins/alc.gif
OMG! Are you crazy 15grams?

If these are the mexicans that come from Azarius then I would suggest only eating about 2grams. They are extremly potent.

That are not like the regular mushrooms that you find in the wild and need to eat a whole bag.

Last time I partied with mexican mushrooms we took only 2 grams and the trip was so freaking intense that I still have flashback of it till this day. I would say that trip was the equivlent to 2 gel caps of acid.

I would seriously suggest only 2 grams to start. If you don't trip face then try more next time..
I have used my new shrooms 4 times now, and I started with 2 small shrooms for the first time and it was quite nice, but not that intense. After that I bought a scale, and triped again with 1 gram, then 1.5, and the last time, about 2 grams. It is as you say, this shrooms are very potent. I am glad for this! Thanks!
Is it dry or fresh shrooms ?

I think 1.5 gr of dry mushroom (cubensis) is a good trip...

Why azarius species is so powerfull ? It isn't the same species ?

Maybe the mexican species you ate (past of eat ?) was azurescens species /forum/images/graemlins/think.gif ?
As I said, the medium amount per trip that I use is about 1.5, or 2 grams, and its a real fuckin beautifull trip! I dunno why the azarius cubensis are so strong, but I love them! They are really worth every euro I've paid for them!
I've tried mexicans, and they were nice too, ut the cubensis are a lot better! I still prefer LSD. The trip is more solid, and a lot extended!!
Azarius has potent shrooms because they use the mexican strain. Mexican is the 3rd most powerful (more cubensis per square inch) strain available. 2 Grams does the job really well.
What is the best strain then? Are there more potent shrooms than this ones? Can you compare?
/forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Aerogel cogumelos frescos fazem um mal do caralho! Seca-os! O efeito é o mesmo e n fazem tão mal! Just an advice!
I'm sorry for not writing this in plain English...

Já agora, em que é que te baseias para dizer isso? Tudo o que li até agora, e penso já ter lido quase todas as noticias do erowid.com, entre outros, e até agora, a única inconveniência em comer os cogumelos frescos é o sua má digestão, o que também acontece com eles secos. No entanto, se quando os comeres, tiveres o cuidado de os desfazer muito bem, mastigados, triturados, etc, poderás assim passar por cima deste pequeno contratempo, até aumentando a sua eficácia, já que será mais facil a libertação da psilocibina, pois toda a matéria já estará bem reduzida. Há quem defenda que os cogumelos frescos contêm mais psolocibina, pois o processo de secagem pode destruir alguma. No entanto esta afirmação têm mais à ver com o método usado a secar, e não pela secagem em si.
O uso de cogumelos frescos tem aínda a vantagem de ser mais "comestivel", já que o sabor não é tão forte como o dos secos.
Por isso acho estranho a tua afirmação sobre os cogumelos frescos fazerem mal... eles são os mesmos, só que com mais água...

Pessoalmente tenho comida de ambas as maneiras, e até agora não notei nenhuma diferença que se justifica-se. Acho que prefiro secos, apenas por ficarem mais pequenos. Como os desfaço em pedacinhos minusculos antes de os comer, e como os engulo com água, não me incomoda o sabor. No entanto, já comi frescos inteiros, e desfeitos também. O efeito foi geralmente o mesmo, no que pode ser comparado, e nunca tive qualquer reação estranho no estomago, excluindo alguns arrotos.
Shanti! Shanti! Do whatever you want!
Continue on eaten it fresh!! I should believe in words of wisdom!
The most potent strain is the Ecuador Strain.
it's double what mexican is and the trip stays constant. Mexicans tend to pop in and out after they peak.
Fresh or Dry...They can always make you Fly!!! /forum/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Where can I get my hands on the Equador strain? IS there any place where I can send it to Portugal? Do azarius sell serynge or spore prints of this kind?
You can order good qualiti spores at

they sell many variety of cubensis / paneolu & azurescence !!