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Le forum des amateurs de drogues et des explorateurs de l'esprit

A young man in search of truth

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Kepsyllo
  • Date de début Date de début


Matrice Périnatale
Hello everybody,

First of all, I'd like to point out that I am french so my english may sometimes look quite bad... I know that there's a french forum but I'd like to share with as many people as possible and read as much so I'm also introducing myself here : )
Well, my name on this forum is as you can see Kepsyllo, I am 17 years old and live in France, somewhere near Lyon.
Because of my young age, I've never tried any chemical psychedelic and have not planned to do it before at least 18, even if I think that I'll in fact probably wait and have my first experience between 20 and 25 years old. My only little "psychonautic trips" for now were caused by lucid dreaming, or meditation.

If I remember well, I started to get interested in psychonautism with reading about parapsychology, including psychokinesis that I've practiced for a few months (I still do but less intensely), getting some results. This brought me to reading more and more about altered states of consciousness, seeing religion in a different way, being interested in spirituality, Buddhism, old civilizations and their forgotten knowledge as well as their particular use of psychedelics (mescaline, psylocibin, etc...) in shamanism, and all those fascinating things that are somehow related...
In fact, it made realize the existence of this ubiquitous Truth, that Reality that some may call God.

Beside the psychonautic stuff, I love drawing and playing music : I play violin, guitar and would love a piano (and a lot of other instruments, but have no money : D) I also of course listen to music a lot and to name just three of my favourite artists in the different types of music that I like (even I don't really have any "best genre"), I'd say God is an Astronaut, Chopin, and The Doors, which made me read the amazing Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley, which made me read William Blake and poetry in general, and philosophy (actually reading Schopenhauer). Yeah, it's crazy how something that is related to those "bad and dangerous drugs" can get you to read some "intellectual stuff" (just kiddin')

Anyway, sorry for all this text, and congrats to those who read everything but I realize that I've not really said why I'm here... So I'm here to get a maximum of knowledge on psychedelics before I consider taking them, to keep discovering and learning fascinating things on our mind and world, and to talk with experienced and open-minded people : )

That's all, thanks for reading and have a nice day / evening / life ! : )
Bonjour jeune gomme.
Tu n'as pas de chance.
Tu sembles cultiver et dans une démarche psychonautique.
Notre forum comme tu sembles le croire, n'est pas que dans l'optique de "how ce défoncer la gueule".
Il permet de ce droguer dans les meilleurs conditions physique et mental.
Tout un tas de membre sont une recherche : religieuse, spirituel, psychologique ou identiraire et aime discuter de ses choses de bien belle manière.
Maintenant tu es mineur et ces interdis.
Tu vas donc te faire bannir mais c'est pas contre toi.

Merci de comprendre que notre démarche et de repousser aux plus tard la prise de stupéfiant. Je t'encourage tout de même à te renseigné sur les drogues que tu serais amener à rencontrer chez nous.
Nous tentons d'être objectif avec ces choses là.
Je t'invite à revenir dans quelques mois.
Au revoir :)
Salut, je m'appelle Alex, and my french is worse that your english, so will write this in english.

I also play an instrument, the guitar. And being in search for answers to your questions is a most noble cause to join these forums, I believe (I am new here myself).

Whatever man, hope to see you around, who knows, maybe we'll enjoy conversing on a few topics around here.
- Alex