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A second path

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion TMthi3dgen
  • Date de début Date de début


Matrice Périnatale
Does anyone else have the distict feeling that ALL of your mind altering experiences are pointing you in a single direction? Like the more you try to "expand your mind" the narrower your focus becomes. like there is your "normal" day to day life, and then everything else. Some people have told me that each drug is different and they take you to seperate states of mind. I find with each new thing i try simply gives me another perspective on the same issue. Throw some ideas my way, particularly if you think along similar lines. thanks
Its all you . Iits "you" thats taking the substances . Your life is going in one direction . The main themes / issues / experiences in your life control your direction . Its the same if you dont use sacraments . As you get older you specialise , you focus on fewer things . A child goes to school and gets basicaly educated in many directions . As he gets older he concentrates on fewer subjects and qualifys in a few . Then his interest usualy concentrates on one part of that subject .
do you mind telling more about that one direction ?
At school one studys how many subjects ? Then when one goes to a higher school one does less subjects . Then one takes exams and passes less subjects say chemistry , physics , maths and geography . Then one goes to tech / uni and takes less subjects , say maths and physics . Then one qualifys and specialises in say physics . Then one specialises in say astro physics . The same is true weather one studys or not .

John 20:24-29
GOD a dit:
Its all you . Iits "you" thats taking the substances . Your life is going in one direction .

It's just like that. I have felt what you describe. It's like when I had my most intense trip, it seemed that it all happened at the exact moment it "should"...... like everything does when you think about it...
Philipos , It would have been strange if youd had the trip before you took the acid.............
I have had the feeling, too that the experiences point into a single direction. But sometimes i get confused and then the direction doesn't remain as clear...
So the direction that the substances show me is death, love, unity, peace.
I don't know it's kind of strange.... as if something in me knew the direction or the substance knew the direction... pretty damn confusing...

peace :weedman:
IMO, if it feels like every trip is going in the same direction you trip to much. I've had this with MDMA after weekly use. Put more space between your trips. Wait tripping until you've forgotten how it feels.
Meduzz you might not have gotten the point....

Singularity isn't necessarily to be set equal to the "drag of the having the same all over again"...

As i understand it, TMthi3dgen talks more about the narrower focus on his life, in spite of the "expanding his mind" and that would indeed make some sense as all psychadelics really increase the focus on your personal life and drive you closer to ego death. Of course depending on how much you "allow" the drugs to drive you closer to ego death.

Of course the "allowing" (metaphorical speaking) the drug something implies "drug skill" and knowledge of self.

peace. :weedman:
Life starts , goes in a direction and you die . Mostly the direction is down hill.......

Please tell me how someone can go in 2 directions at the same time ?
GOD a dit:
Life starts , goes in a direction and you die . Mostly the direction is down hill.......

Please tell me how someone can go in 2 directions at the same time ?

Maybe one can go in the direction of ego death and at the same time go in the direction of death, by taking massive amounts of datura or a similar plant.

Sorry for sarcasm again i can't stop it arrrrrrgh. :weedman:
I don't have the idea trips make me go into a certain direction. It's more like they make me stay closer to myself more and more, so I can choose the direction I want to take.
Exactly . The trips the plane ticket and you decide in wich direction you fly .
there are a couple of models i rather enjoy regarding paths. the Tarot and its distant cousin the Kabbala.
Just wanted to thank you all for posting your thoughts. it is very interesting to think on your ideas. and to clear any confusion i was more speaking of the narrowing of the direction as " Braineater" said. Travel on all!
I think one flows in many directions at the same time. I encourage this mode of flow

yet, in the same geometrical way my psychedelic experience does with a sense of one-directionality [I called it the great expanse, the field of the black hole] which seems to permeate all of my limbs

panteism can be some form of monoteism

and poliformy dances with non-duality

This is why, I think, tibetan pictorial art is so loaded
TMthi3dgen a dit:
Does anyone else have the distict feeling that ALL of your mind altering experiences are pointing you in a single direction? Like the more you try to "expand your mind" the narrower your focus becomes. like there is your "normal" day to day life, and then everything else. Some people have told me that each drug is different and they take you to seperate states of mind. I find with each new thing i try simply gives me another perspective on the same issue. Throw some ideas my way, particularly if you think along similar lines. thanks

some years ago i concluded for myself, that the star of david is a symbol for exactly that. The mind is expanding, as is reality and knowledge, and that gets me closer to that point on top of the pyramid. to the ultimate goal.

and for some time, i thought, that the reason, why they are not at level is for better understanding the symbol. later i realized, that its because you need a certain amount of knowledge to actually get going on the path of enlightenment. and at a certain point along the path of enlightenment, knowledge becomes obsolete... thus the star of david symbolizes that...
" thus the star of david symbolizes that."

Thus you think that . It doesnt mean that it does .
GOD a dit:
" thus the star of david symbolizes that."

Thus you think that . It doesnt mean that it does .


EVERYTHING IS AN OPINION! get over yourself!
Not a single word ever spoken is true to everybody! Neither mine, nor yours, or anybody's. Get it? Want me to draw you a picture? Your self-righteousness really starts to annoy me.

I will not write under every sentence, post or remark "All of the above is an opinion which might or might not be true to me or anybody else - use your own fucking brain" because generally I expect the crowd to know that. but obviously there is always somebody who does not stand on such preposition. on the other hand, i can see where that is coming from... the name alone implies a lot about the personal issues you might have to deal with.

and just to rub it under your nose, I will quote myself. so you might read, understand and quote the post in context next time:

psm a dit:
...i concluded for myself...
got it?



sorry, needed that...
"the name alone implies a lot about the personal issues you might have to deal with. "

Here we go again , someone projects his fantasys on me . Again you say that something is instead of saying its your opinion that it implys that .