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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion patilan420
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Glandeuse Pinéale
I've tryied it only once, together with a "homeopatic" dose of MAOI(about half a gr. paganum Harmala)
a friend has ordered it from the Nl ,

it was in a bit of sugar, I felt a taste like soap,

It was AMAZING, I expirienced all the positive effects , discribed in the trip-reporsts of others( sensityvity, euphoria, erotick feeling, beautifull visions,
changed sound, light and time),
some of the neutral effects( I couldn't fell asleep 24 hours after taking the drug)
and none of the negative effects( no nauesa, no diarea, no hang-over )

it is still legal all around , yes?
much better choiceIMHO than averige "x-tazy" cheeper and much more powerfull.

anyway I use chemical drugs as an exeption(very disapointed of the black drug-market) , but this surprised me so nice..

pick one ;)
Cyproxicus a dit:
Hmmz.. seems worth the try. Any clues on how to get my hands on the stuff (in Holland) ?!

And what kind of name is that for a drug..??
It's 5-Meo-Dipt aka foxy
[/quote]It's 5-Meo-Dipt aka foxy[/quote]

aka Foxy Methoxy
if you look good you'le find it on the internet ;) i
If someone knows a trustable vendor of such chemicals, could you please give me a pm?

I'ld really appreciate that :)
pm me tooo please :)
and me
Though way too late, can you drop me a pm too please? :)