by Frequency
N0te: My "o" key is 0ut 0n me, hence the zer0's.
Pretty interesting stuff that 2C-T-7. The t0tal weight was 80mg, which I happily liquid measured int0 70% ethan0l. I didn't think 40 dr0ps (2mg per dr0p) w0uld be en0ugh liquid t0 diss0lve it all, s0 I multiplied 4x (160 dr0ps, 0.5mg per dr0p), but 40 dr0ps w0uld have w0rked. It's extremely miscible in warm ethan0l. It was neat watching it diss0lve up0n aggitati0n.
My friend and I b0th t00k 15mg f0r 0ur first try. We had read that 10mg was plenty f0r s0me, but 0thers needed 0ver 30mg, s0 we decided 0n 15 t0 start. That left 50mg left f0r an0ther trial at 25mg each if we liked. We d0sed 0ut ar0und 10pm and it went like this:
T+0: We b0th t00k 30 dr0plets fr0m 0ur suspensi0n. 15mg each. Taste is foul but n0t as bad as read.
T+1hr30mins: We began t0 feel the effects 0f the purp0rted b0dy-l0ad. N0 nausea indicated in either 0f us (we rep0rted n0ne the entire time actually, n0 nausea at all). The effect c0uld be described as "int0xicated" in the least, n0t quite drunk 0r high. Alm0st reminiscent 0f a flu-like stup0r. That p0int in which y0u are sick with the flu, but highly medicated. N0 "sickness" like sympt0ms, just the sl0w, gr0ggy, lumbering m0t0r-c0ntr0l and th0ught pr0cesses. We felt heavy and didn't want t0 m0ve much, but we managed t0 have a g00d time exchanging ideas while we waited f0r what we h0ped w0uld be s0me 0EV's and such.
T+2hr: We pl0pped d0wn in fr0nt 0f the TV and watched 0n-demand Sunny in PA (n0t sure if y0u've seen this sh0w, but I was recently intr0duced t0 it (als0 while tripping) and it's seri0usly the funniest shit EVER while 0n psychedelics.) and began laughing away as the peculiar st0ry unf0lded 0n the screen.
T+2hr30mins: H0usten, we've g0t visuals! I catch myself staring up 0nt0 the ceiling and begin watching it's white patterned texture. The pattern left by the painters was that 0f half-circle shapes, repeating in sets. Alm0st like black and white rainb0ws (smaller lines under each arch). The half-circles began undulating and changing. The ceiling cascaded int0 cl0uds, dark and st0rmy. The TV reflected a dim light up0n the surface 0f the ceiling, shading parts 0f it deeply but als0 illuminating 0ther parts. Hills and valleys 0f puffy, dark cumulus cl0uds began r0lling t0gether like waves in the sea. I saw pulses 0f white/blue light behind the cl0uds, as if lightening were intermittently dispersing in varying intensity thr0ugh the cl0uds. They'd brighten and then dim, then in an0ther sp0t in the cl0uds it w0uld happen again, then again, etc. Very blurry, wavy visuals. Very shr00my visuals, unlike the crystalline sharp visualizati0ns that 2C-B pr0vides. Als0 slight t0 m0derate tracers are witnessed. Trails 0f lit cigarettes parade the airspace in fr0nt 0f me. w00t!
T+3hrs: My attenti0n quickly turns t0 a blur in the center 0f my field 0f visi0n. It's actually m0re like a "clear sp0t" if y0u can call it anything. An 0val-shaped clearing in the haze 0f the hallucinati0ns. As the p0rtal c0ntinues t0 manifest with increasing clarity, I imagine this clearing g0es straight thr0ugh the r00f and int0 0uterspace, staring directly at the stars. Impressed with these m0st recent devel0pments, I push them harder as I've learned t0 many times bef0re (and c0ntr0l the trip in many 0ther aspects as well) and begin t0 see a bright, ne0n-green 0utline 0f a few fam0us US presidents. As these p0rtraits are being defined 0nt0 the clear, starry backdr0p; still center amidst all the surr0unding st0rm cl0uds. The president's face turns t0 what I can say resembles the M0na Lisa girl. L0ng dark hair, hands f0lded sitting, white female. But there's n0 smile. Just blank, em0ti0nless, staring directly at me. A bit 0ff-putting f0r me as I didn't kn0w quite h0w t0 interpret the visage. With0ut warning, the lady's face 0pens wide in an 0bscure, frightening manner. Extremely wide facial expressi0n, the terr0r emb0ldened even further by the c0ld staring eyes. I immediately flinch t0 ign0re the h0rr0r. Stare at the TV, stare at the TV. Yup, TV sh0w, funny, yup. TV. Yup.
T+4hrs30mins: The st0rm cl0ud visuals have been steady wavering in intensity. I'm quietly trying t0 wade deeper and deeper int0 the experience, t0 find 0ut exactly what T7 has t0 0ffer, but the earlier scare has put me in defense m0de. It wasn't t00 much t0 handle in any case, h0wever the m00d had definitely shifted fr0m humbled anticipati0n t0 defensive curi0sity. The TV sh0w persists and my partner in psychedelia rep0rts little t0 n0thing bey0nd the b0dy-buzz/l0ad. Interesting resp0nse curve n0ted. It seems t0 vary quite widely pers0n-t0-pers0n. N0 definitive reliable d0sing p0ssible between parties.
T+6hrs: Well, we're just ab0ut passed 0ut. The visuals are diminished a bit, even with trying t0 push them harder I get little t0 n0thing n0tew0rthy happening. B0dy-buzz persists.
T+7hrs: Passed 0ut sleepy time.
Pr0l0gue: My buddy and I b0th slept an abn0rmally l0ng am0unt 0f time. Very sedative this particular phenethylamine. N0 negative effects n0ted and the same m0rning an0ther d0se f0r each 0f us. 25mg this time each. We wanted t0 n0te any t0lerance that might be p0ssiblely appear. We felt the same b0dy-l0ad devel0pe as with the previ0us d0se, and min0r wavy-type, melty even, light visuals were n0ted. Breathing walls, etc. Heavy b0dy-l0ad again, very lethargic. N0t incapacitated 0r im0bile, just heavy and sl0w.
Final Th0ught: W0uld I d0 it again? Yeah. Higher d0se? Definitely. Am I c0ncerned the b0dy-l0ad c0uld devel0p int0 health c0ncerns at higher d0ses? P0ssibly, n0t en0ugh t0 det0ur me fr0m trying it again. I'd pr0bably be set with an even 30mg with n0 t0lerance. There's definitely a t0lerance, at least within 24 h0urs 0f using again. Just my tw0 pence 0n my 2 enc0unters with this sulfer0us c0mpani0n.
PLUR! Namaste!
by Frequency
N0te: My "o" key is 0ut 0n me, hence the zer0's.
Pretty interesting stuff that 2C-T-7. The t0tal weight was 80mg, which I happily liquid measured int0 70% ethan0l. I didn't think 40 dr0ps (2mg per dr0p) w0uld be en0ugh liquid t0 diss0lve it all, s0 I multiplied 4x (160 dr0ps, 0.5mg per dr0p), but 40 dr0ps w0uld have w0rked. It's extremely miscible in warm ethan0l. It was neat watching it diss0lve up0n aggitati0n.
My friend and I b0th t00k 15mg f0r 0ur first try. We had read that 10mg was plenty f0r s0me, but 0thers needed 0ver 30mg, s0 we decided 0n 15 t0 start. That left 50mg left f0r an0ther trial at 25mg each if we liked. We d0sed 0ut ar0und 10pm and it went like this:
T+0: We b0th t00k 30 dr0plets fr0m 0ur suspensi0n. 15mg each. Taste is foul but n0t as bad as read.
T+1hr30mins: We began t0 feel the effects 0f the purp0rted b0dy-l0ad. N0 nausea indicated in either 0f us (we rep0rted n0ne the entire time actually, n0 nausea at all). The effect c0uld be described as "int0xicated" in the least, n0t quite drunk 0r high. Alm0st reminiscent 0f a flu-like stup0r. That p0int in which y0u are sick with the flu, but highly medicated. N0 "sickness" like sympt0ms, just the sl0w, gr0ggy, lumbering m0t0r-c0ntr0l and th0ught pr0cesses. We felt heavy and didn't want t0 m0ve much, but we managed t0 have a g00d time exchanging ideas while we waited f0r what we h0ped w0uld be s0me 0EV's and such.
T+2hr: We pl0pped d0wn in fr0nt 0f the TV and watched 0n-demand Sunny in PA (n0t sure if y0u've seen this sh0w, but I was recently intr0duced t0 it (als0 while tripping) and it's seri0usly the funniest shit EVER while 0n psychedelics.) and began laughing away as the peculiar st0ry unf0lded 0n the screen.
T+2hr30mins: H0usten, we've g0t visuals! I catch myself staring up 0nt0 the ceiling and begin watching it's white patterned texture. The pattern left by the painters was that 0f half-circle shapes, repeating in sets. Alm0st like black and white rainb0ws (smaller lines under each arch). The half-circles began undulating and changing. The ceiling cascaded int0 cl0uds, dark and st0rmy. The TV reflected a dim light up0n the surface 0f the ceiling, shading parts 0f it deeply but als0 illuminating 0ther parts. Hills and valleys 0f puffy, dark cumulus cl0uds began r0lling t0gether like waves in the sea. I saw pulses 0f white/blue light behind the cl0uds, as if lightening were intermittently dispersing in varying intensity thr0ugh the cl0uds. They'd brighten and then dim, then in an0ther sp0t in the cl0uds it w0uld happen again, then again, etc. Very blurry, wavy visuals. Very shr00my visuals, unlike the crystalline sharp visualizati0ns that 2C-B pr0vides. Als0 slight t0 m0derate tracers are witnessed. Trails 0f lit cigarettes parade the airspace in fr0nt 0f me. w00t!
T+3hrs: My attenti0n quickly turns t0 a blur in the center 0f my field 0f visi0n. It's actually m0re like a "clear sp0t" if y0u can call it anything. An 0val-shaped clearing in the haze 0f the hallucinati0ns. As the p0rtal c0ntinues t0 manifest with increasing clarity, I imagine this clearing g0es straight thr0ugh the r00f and int0 0uterspace, staring directly at the stars. Impressed with these m0st recent devel0pments, I push them harder as I've learned t0 many times bef0re (and c0ntr0l the trip in many 0ther aspects as well) and begin t0 see a bright, ne0n-green 0utline 0f a few fam0us US presidents. As these p0rtraits are being defined 0nt0 the clear, starry backdr0p; still center amidst all the surr0unding st0rm cl0uds. The president's face turns t0 what I can say resembles the M0na Lisa girl. L0ng dark hair, hands f0lded sitting, white female. But there's n0 smile. Just blank, em0ti0nless, staring directly at me. A bit 0ff-putting f0r me as I didn't kn0w quite h0w t0 interpret the visage. With0ut warning, the lady's face 0pens wide in an 0bscure, frightening manner. Extremely wide facial expressi0n, the terr0r emb0ldened even further by the c0ld staring eyes. I immediately flinch t0 ign0re the h0rr0r. Stare at the TV, stare at the TV. Yup, TV sh0w, funny, yup. TV. Yup.
T+4hrs30mins: The st0rm cl0ud visuals have been steady wavering in intensity. I'm quietly trying t0 wade deeper and deeper int0 the experience, t0 find 0ut exactly what T7 has t0 0ffer, but the earlier scare has put me in defense m0de. It wasn't t00 much t0 handle in any case, h0wever the m00d had definitely shifted fr0m humbled anticipati0n t0 defensive curi0sity. The TV sh0w persists and my partner in psychedelia rep0rts little t0 n0thing bey0nd the b0dy-buzz/l0ad. Interesting resp0nse curve n0ted. It seems t0 vary quite widely pers0n-t0-pers0n. N0 definitive reliable d0sing p0ssible between parties.
T+6hrs: Well, we're just ab0ut passed 0ut. The visuals are diminished a bit, even with trying t0 push them harder I get little t0 n0thing n0tew0rthy happening. B0dy-buzz persists.
T+7hrs: Passed 0ut sleepy time.
Pr0l0gue: My buddy and I b0th slept an abn0rmally l0ng am0unt 0f time. Very sedative this particular phenethylamine. N0 negative effects n0ted and the same m0rning an0ther d0se f0r each 0f us. 25mg this time each. We wanted t0 n0te any t0lerance that might be p0ssiblely appear. We felt the same b0dy-l0ad devel0pe as with the previ0us d0se, and min0r wavy-type, melty even, light visuals were n0ted. Breathing walls, etc. Heavy b0dy-l0ad again, very lethargic. N0t incapacitated 0r im0bile, just heavy and sl0w.
Final Th0ught: W0uld I d0 it again? Yeah. Higher d0se? Definitely. Am I c0ncerned the b0dy-l0ad c0uld devel0p int0 health c0ncerns at higher d0ses? P0ssibly, n0t en0ugh t0 det0ur me fr0m trying it again. I'd pr0bably be set with an even 30mg with n0 t0lerance. There's definitely a t0lerance, at least within 24 h0urs 0f using again. Just my tw0 pence 0n my 2 enc0unters with this sulfer0us c0mpani0n.
PLUR! Namaste!