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Glandeuse Pinéale
Has anyone tried this? Is it worth trying? Is it easy to obtain/make? Side effects?
2CB really roxx.
It's hard to obtain here in my country but i'm lucky to have a connection for this compound (and no i ain't gonna send you some).
There is a very trippy effect but also positive energy like with mdma, it's more kind than acid.
Some effects of the philosopher stones are recognizable but much heavier.
There are no serieus side effects.
I can recommend the combination 2CB + MDA
i never tried 2cb cause i never founded some.

i'd love to!!!!

same for 2-ct2 and 2-ct7, that i never founded, do you have connections?
2cb no, but 2ct' seems to be legal in France and in many countries.

by the way:
dob seems to be the same thing as 2cb,
as mda seems to be the same thing as mdma
there are few differences, but not so many...

2cb is more lsd (trippy way), or more mdma (love state way)? (i know it is quite stupid to ask that, but i do it.... :=)
whats the duration ? for how many hours you cant sleep ?
when are the higher effects ?
is it a stimulant ?
the stimulant part of 2cb, is more like ephedrine, or more like amfetamine ?
(adrenergic way, or dopaminergic way ?)

does it product some nauseas (serotonin way)???????
I can get some really nice 2C-B in UK! /forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Have you tried it already?
I never tried 2C-B. I tried the most related chemical, 2C-I. In fact, it's the same molecule with an atome of iodine instead of the brome one. 2C-I, in my opinion, is an hallucinogen but it is also definitively a stimulant. I remember it was very nice to take it when you have a party, or when you could talk with friends. I didn't really liked the stimulant part of the drug which is really close to amphetamine to me, and you must be aware this drug can cause sleepness, and some pain in chest. I hadn't no nausea at all, I noticed that the drug became really active after taking a beer (only one) and then it was really overwhelming. But this kind of hybrid drug (between amphetamine and crap LSD) isn't what I expected and the side effects are real. I know the effects of 2C-B are not exactly like 2C-I (probably much better).
maybe i am wrong but the difference between iodine and bromine is really small!!!

only 1.5 for 1, thats what i learnt in chemistry.

ups: my post where i was asking the effects of 2cb, you had two ways to read it:
1st way: was just an asking of what are the effects of 2cb
and the other way was: a sumary of the way that shulgin sees amfetamines derivatives psychadelics (phenethylamines)

sides effects:

psychadelics effects:
amfetamine like
mdma like (love state)
lsd like
ephedrine like

these informations mixed with durations of sides effects, psychadelics effects, and you have the pikal.
Sorry for the bump. But I found this forum because of this thread. I was looking for information about 2cb and this thread popped up. Anyway, I just wanted to answer the question of the TS.

The interesting thing about 2cb is there are positive, negative and neutral effects. A known positive effect is heightened body reactions. I've read that it can give you the reflexes of a cat. It can also help with mood disorders. It can also help stimulate the brain due to the hallucinations.

An irritating negative effect is difficulty in sleeping. This is because of other effects like palpitations, chills, sweating and the likes.

It's interesting that it has neutral effects like a little confusion and sometimes, you lose track of the time.

I got those information from this effects of 2cb page. I verified it from some friends and some of them did experience these effects.
tapioketa a dit:
I believe milder than LSD but more hallucinogen, it looks like a mescaline.
If you can not find 2C-B, you can legally (except the United States and the Netherlands) buy 2C-D (a molecule similar but slightly more powerful).
Iridium Bongbastic 2C-D: http://french.shayanashop.com/BongBasti ... astic.aspx
€ 10 pill ;(


I suggest anyone who wants to buy 2C-D not to get it from this shop and find a reliable rc seller... shayana have a terrible reputation, (at least in the french section of the forum!).
Also I wouldn't buy a pill of unknown quantity for 12e when you can get a gram of 2C-D for as low as 78e (or maybe even less).

I also doubt the fact that 2C-D is more powerful than 2C-B... have only tried the latter but Shulgin places the dosage between 20mg and 60mg, which is about twice as much as 2C-B (12-24mg...)

Have a good day!
I read that 2C-B was a bit strong month as "Alexander Shulgin" but maybe I'm wrong. Personally I have already ordered the pills on Shayana Shop and I was happy (except the price). I ate a pill and it feels like a double-sided (LSD) more visual, but less time. Crazy laugh, want to go out ...


sorry for the bad English, I return to the place of the French ^ ^

Ps: if you love the k, take it with
if you guys need any 2c-i or 2c-e contact brian harris at [email protected] he has the best products and has been in business for over 4 years legitly... fast shipping... easy payment methods and very great products... thanks guys :)
2C-B is amazing. It definitely relates to mescaline in it's energy-driven steadiness. And the body trip :rolleyes: It also leaves more of the ego intact: I would be seeing snakes being drawn in the sky and still not being impaired as to interacting with sober people in the bakery etc.

In short for me it's fun-tripping. I seldom use acid or shrooms on a party or another wild setting. 2C-B even has my preference above MDMA for just having fun. I have used it more entheogenically like I use shrooms but it's harder. Much more sensory, much less mental. Which has it's own value. I have never been more IN my body.
Also I wouldn't buy a pill of unknown quantity for 12e when you can get a gram of 2C-D for as low as 78e (or maybe even less).
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