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2-CI, My account...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion skeptic
  • Date de début Date de début


Matrice Périnatale

this is gonna be a little long but if you want just read it through and if you had anything similar. hit me up.

So around 3-ish months ago and friend and I decided we should take 2-ci. having experienced truffles, a research chemical called AMT, ketamine, mdma, coke, speed and drone i thought of myself as having a general knowledge of how drugs will work as 2-ci is described as MDMA and LSD combined. my friend however has tried a few other chemicals from the 2c family.(btw AMT fucked me right up. awful experience, scared me for a few days as it is a research chem, i was thinking it could have done some lasting damage to my body as there is literally no research on this chem at all, i had a pretty bad time on it) fucking weird is all i can say. as if my body had two rotational gravitational forces at work.

but anyway

so we get a cap each containing around 15-20 mg of 2CI, 3g of weed and a gram of mephedrone. we drop the capsules around 6ish have a few spliffs few beers and a few lines of drone and head into the city. we couldnt decide on where to go so we thought twondering around the city centre would be fun......

we decided on renting out some bikes and riding to st pauls, this was around the time of occupy st pauls. it was all over british media and we decided it would be a good place to trip out and pretend like we were hunter s. thompson. on an investigative mission. dicks.....

so feeling on a good level already, around two hours later i begin to come up on 2ci as does my friend. at first it is wonderful, complete distortion of sight, green swirling patterns. trees looking like they had faces, my eyes totally bent the light. i remember looking across the street with the road bending. overall in a good mood laughing at nothing totally enjoyable, this lasts for me for around 40 mins. a beer or two later and rapidly emptying bags of powder and weed we decide to get some water and a chocolate bar. totally phased inside the shop, completely incoherant speech. everything was bending and twisting. by this time you could say we were truly fucked up.

so we are wondering around the shitty excuse for a protest - these people were so incredibly odd. its almost impossible to describe them. a whole mix of odd people. basically, the hippy tent at a festival just in central london. banging drums, dancing in circles making me trip the fuck out.

so we wondering around pretty much scoffing at these people, though there was an underlying sense that we agreed with them. still thought they were useless though.

I end up talking to this french bloke, about why he is here, he's holding a pint. i thought that he must have something to say. so i get chatting and i realise he's wearing make up. this seems ultra hilarious. i rudely laugh in his weird face. my friend notices he's wearing a skirt, to compliment his make-up. running kicks on. a fat, French male and bald lilly allen....
turns out hes was 52 and decided to become a transvestite 6 weeks ago. he began to tell us why. all i could think is " he must have gone crazy, maybe he took some fucked up drug and ended up going mental. this thought quickly passed.
i try to roll a cigarette takes me a fucking age. so a light it up and as i inhale it feels as if im inhaling dust. the cigarette crumbles in my hand before me, my face drops in a sudden panic. my friend quickly realises something up and takes me to one side.

thank fuck for that - that French guy was making me paranoid . i think it was the skirt and trainer combination.

this is where my night started to get a little too fruity.. so we're walking by the river and i start to get this irational sense of fear, utterly overwhelming. my heart starts beating fast and hard. i guess i start to hyperventilate, never before have i experienced a panic attack. i keep thinking im going to die my vision becomes very dark as if its the burning embers of a piece of paper. i really panicking.

i keep asking the questions ' what is reality? who am i? who are you? '

my friend, a little scared replies,' stop thinking of the big picture you're just fucked.'

i come back with ' what is it to be fucked? where are we?'

then i ask a pretty odd question, i seem to forget where i am who i was who he was. very strange . i was slipping in and out tripping or whatever.

i all most pulled my hair out, i asked him, if he had poisoned me, and if he was my friend. luckily he gave me good answers..

i kept contemplating what reality is and how do we know if we are real and if our sober conciousness was real. very erratic behaviour. scared the living shit out of me.

i kept on saying i dont want to be like this forever, i think i've gone mental. what if im like this forever im not crazy but im going mental arrrrrghhh fuckk. just shouting this. going back and forth. my friend having to physically restrain my from moving about. to be fair i did look pretty damn mental at this point.....

we are approaching the bridge across the Thames, and i catch a glimpse of someone looking at me , i instantly reacted. i just knew that he knew i was fucked up. and i didnt like it. i darted of the left without looking and ran accross the road into an ally. dangerous as fuck. i think it was me trying to escape this trip.

this all happened in a pretty short amount of time.

so we're walking across the bridge after some persuasion and i start to take my jacket off. and i started to veer to the edge of the bridge and i remember asking my friend, am i going to kill myself whilst i was moving closes to the edge. this totally shattered me emotionally and him. luckily he was sorted me out. but for that split second i was so scared of myself. such a strange feeling. really didn't feel good. im not like this and i dont know what spurred this reaction. any way i was up for hours. laborious shit im telling you.. long as well.

anyway i sort of realised that im way to anxious about everything and that i was not confident enough but that was about it. it really freaked me out and for weeks and if not months i researched all i could about 2ci. but anyway here is my story of what happened, maybe i shouldn't have mixed up all the different drugs and maybe i should have done it in a different setting but whatever. i'm still undecided wether to do it again but i doubt i will, it was a bit of a train crash, i wanted to try LSD but got 2ci instead and it may have put me off.

im going to amsterdam again in two weeks so i guess we'll see what happens

ps just to add this little quirk in, i thought the world was ending at one point, just around the time of the panic attack. this world was closing in on my chest all focused on this one point.
Wow is 2c-i just incredibly strong or is it prone to giving every fucking person a panic attack?
2-ci is strong and just with many other 'delics it should not be underestimated. But the panicky shit was down to my individual trip. Was very strange. But yeah you need minimal amounts to trip. I think it would've been more fun had I been in a different setting and had taken slightly less.
Hi, not too surprised. My experience, along with antecedal accounts from others, have not been too favorable using 2C-i - not the mix of LSD / MDMA that it was (inappropriately IMO), labeled with. Paranonia, feelings of alienation, along with subtle but wonderful visuals seem to be fairly common. After having not a great trip with creeping feelings of paranonia my first trip, some months later I decided to give it a second chance, managing the set and timing. The second time was even worse and my wife and I finally had to leave the event because I was not feeling comfortable. We were at an outside psy fest and usually I can just dance through temporary uncomfortable times, but not this time. Just felt pretty alienated and paranoid. Shulgrin has come up with some great finds, but my advice is this is not one of them.
yeah i agree that the drone prolly wasn't the best of things to be mixing up with the 2-ci. however I have spoken to a couple people who have experimented with 2-ci and they have said they have had some pretty dodgy/intense experiences.

shulgin has engineered some gems this on the other hand is a real mind bender.

after much research on 'bad trips' i some how managed to have all elements of a bad time possible. still incredibly freaked out

I do want to try acid though i am skeptical as to whether i could have a repeat experience as its still in the back of my mind.
i never liked 2c-i, it gave me a sore neck and a headache after use and the visuals/colors were harsh and never left me in awe like psilocybin does.