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hey, when mixing the vermiculite with the rice flour, do i put a rice cake in with it during the starilizing process? or when do i put the rice cake in there?
you take the vermiculite then mix the right amount with water. mix well. then add organic rice flour. mix some more so the flour coats the wet werm well. i dont get what ur saying about rice cakes. you dont use rice cakes. the word cake come from a fully colonated jar of mycelium and when you pop it out of the jar it looks like a nice coated fliffy white mycelium it looks like a cake with white icing all over it and its one soid piece. i never heard of someone uring an actual rice cake. you just pour your substarate into the jars then inclonate the jars and let the mycelium fully cover the whole inside of the jar. then when ready to fruit you open the jar and pop out the"cake" into a 100% humidity tank for fruiting . hope this helped or maby im wrong and there is a rice cake method but i just use verm water and organic brown rice flour. that seems to be the most popular and widly used method. pluss its easy