10 Million Americans Busted for Pot: Enough is Enough

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Source: Paul Armentano, AlterNet. Posted October 1, 2007

Since 1990, over 10.4 million Americans have been busted for pot. When will we recognize it's time to stand up to the war on harmless pot smoking?

What would cops do without weed? For one thing, they'd sure spend a lot less time arresting and processing petty pot violators. How much time? For starters, however long it took to bust the estimated 739,000 Americans arrested for minor pot possession in 2006.

That's according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report, which reported last week that a record 829,625 Americans were arrested for violating marijuana laws last year. Of those arrested, 89 percent of those were charged with simple pot possession -- the highest annual total ever recorded and nearly three times the number of citizens busted 15 years ago.

Yet to hear local law enforcement spin it, busting small-time potheads isn't their priority. The record number of busts, they claim, is simply a reflection that record numbers of Americans are now smoking pot.
You can find the rest of the article at: http://www.alternet.org/drugreporter/63988/

Love/peace & freedom ;)
That does look like some high quality bud. And when is our government going to wake up. They spend countless hours and TONS of money busting people smoking marijuana. What harm are the marijuana smokers doing to society? NOTHING, the government is violating our personal freedom, but the sad thing is, there isn't much we can do :(
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right!
To quote one of the most famous pot smokers of the last century.

I think we need heavy artillery, well spoken lobbiers and probably a new government in the States.
If we would succeed in getting the American government into legalising, a big part of the world would consider legalising.

I think the problem is that most governments are made to treat people like children who don't know what's good for them, but let the civilian pay for the babysitting.
People are paying to get their rights busted!!!!

As much as the schoolsystem being build around educating (or indoctrinating) people into becomming hard workers for the economy.
Working for money, for greed...
Not for the good of humanity, not for creativity, not for the good of the planet.

Working for money makes people greedy and makes them unaware of what life is really about.
That way people buy a lot of stuff, make trash and think: Hey but I'm paying for it, I'm working my ass off for it.
Not thinking, Hey but this is not good for our mother, the planet, who brings forth all this life and richness that makes living a priviledge.
Something to cherish and enjoy every day of your existence on this plane of reality.

SHIT, we need our humanity back!

Pffff, there's a lot of stuff I'd like to get into, but I'm really tired at the moment.
I'm going to sleep, but this is not over...

It's gonna be a long battle, but one worth fighting for!

:heart: & :idea:


Space: I have a shirt with Bob Marley on it saying "Get up, Stand up, Stand up for your rights!!"

But what can we do to aid in the legilization of Marijuana? Like as an individual is there really anything we can do? How can such a small individual impact such a global issue? Maybe we have to start a global petition. I'm sure there is enough pot smoker's out there to sign it. Just an idea. If you can tell i'm really starting to get sick of these irrational laws telling us we cannot use a substance that grows out of the earth!! Like come on, lets get real here!!
But what can we do to aid in the legilization of Marijuana? Like as an individual is there really anything we can do? How can such a small individual impact such a global issue? Maybe we have to start a global petition.
I think we have all the information available now to counteract all arguments against absolute legalization. From the scientific, medical and even the religious point of view we have the upper hand (see http://www.kanehbosm.nl for some relevant links on this matter). What we have to do is figure out ways to communicate this information to as many people as possible, not just the converted, but to those within scientific, political, religious and semi-religious (new age) circles as well.

Not just cannabis but psychedelic peak experiences in general should be discussed more and more, pointing out the historical use of psychedelic plants and fungi throughout all cultures and all times, and then re-integrated into modern culture.

And to those who smoke: be smart. Don't go drunk driving or shop lifting when you're carrying weed on you. I've heard many stories of people getting busted for possession of weed while they did some crazy shit somewhere.
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
I think the problem is that most governments are made to treat people like children who don't know what's good for them, but let the civilian pay for the babysitting.

this came to my mind often too. I mean why are ther laws which say that you have to buckle up? I mean, how stupid do you have to be not to do that? that's common sense. (this is not a comparison to marijuana. just wanted to say that)
I mean why are ther laws which say that you have to buckle up? I mean, how stupid do you have to be not to do that? that's common sense.
Many people think they, and their children, don't need to buckle up because they are great drivers. I think such people deserve a fine for giving a bad example to whomever they drive around.