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  1. T

    Out of the Box Documentaries/Videos

    Krishnamurti - Isolation, Intelligence, Meditation (Talk 1 - 4) Em3dyzvn73o RcuA9kTYj94 NeRAYtNP9o4 yLVaC1TRB0A Krishnamurti delivers in a way like no other. I have known of him for a few years but have only begun reading his books recently. He has changed how I approach Life in its...
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    Out of the Box Documentaries/Videos

    Jiddu Krishnamurti: Meditation (Part 1 & 2) WsqWkJ8fNWE SyXP8DHj4gM Awesome talk by a true genius :D Amazing depth and clarity :D
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    Random pictures.

    Two Moons!
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    Out of the Box Documentaries/Videos

    Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton interview by Iain McNay Punk Science mt9CwjixULI Their are 6 parts in total. About an hour in total. Good stuff! AND The Magdalene Prophecies - An ancient secret revealed - Part 1 xHyWaN02IOU 5 Parts in total.
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    Alien Trees

    Alex and anyone else who is interested I will post more videos here:- http://www.psychonaut.com/post-45887-346230.html?f=41#p346230 Hope you'll join me in the Lounge :)
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    Out of the Box Documentaries/Videos

    The Mysterious Origins of Christmas - Jan Irvin at the Living Temple, Dec 20, 2008 7R5O66gmFrk A lecture I gave a few years ago on Christmas at the Living Temple Book Store in Huntington Beach, CA. Sorry, this isn't the best lecture I've done, but I wasn't able to get a copy of my 2009...
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    Out of the Box Documentaries/Videos

    Conspiracy Con on Chemtrails (Sofia Smallstorm) - Full Length ZLz4mP1Vor0 RFID? That's kids stuff. Sofia Smallstorm discusses nano fibers, living, growing nanites integrating themselves with man. And, for your enjoyment, a new form of DNA, GNA and a third strand added to the now 'irrelevant'...
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    Out of the Box Documentaries/Videos

    Kicking off with:- Bases 14 The Real John Lear In His Lair 1 Ver 001.mpg gc-f6h33SMc John Lear establishes his background in the first section of John Lear In His Lair. Shot in HDV in Las Vegas, by Miles Johnston with Anne Hess in Feb 2012. This section concentrates of John Lear the man and...
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    Alien Trees

    Alex, thats great news! It was the David Icke Group I was thinking of :) Will add some more videos! There are some excellent groups which meet around the UK, one of my favorites is the New Horizons which meet in Lytham St Annes. Run by a lovely couple James and Jenny, very helpful people...
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    Alien Trees

    Last one for tonight/this morning! Robert Menard - Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception (Entire) Q-HnExGn69c Highly recommended. Even though Rob is Canadian, a lot of what he says is applicable the world over! Education - Religion - Politics/Government - Entertainment are all used to...
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    Alien Trees

    Brian Gerrish Speaking on 31st March, 2012 dRvDfsxMmmU -6dr9QdY5XM 5mK23Y9j-SY 0PM54V4D8rA This will be an hour well spent believe me. Brian is a former Naval Officer, high ranking, and can prove what he says! Also worth checking is the UK Column. http://www.ukcolumn.org/
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    Alien Trees

    Hi Alex, ask away! No problem whatsoever! NWO/Illuminati. We are on the brink. People should research the Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, Tavistock Institute, Vatican, Royal Bloodlines, MKULTRA etc. They will soon have the smiles wiped from their faces! Also research...
  13. T


    I smoke singles, and had 4, which totals to 2 king size smokes! Don't know why I can't smoke a king size, suppose I'm a little odd! I am an ordained minister too! Not that I believe in all that nonsense! I'm a Daoist if Truth be told! Happy smokin'!
  14. T

    all the food is poison

    Dr Bob Beck Protocol - Colloidal Silver OPwOqa7NegI I have a home made colloidal silver generator which consists of 1 x 9v battery(I also alternate with 3 x 9v batteries for speed), double ended crocodile clips and a pair of silver rods. Total cost around £15. I have seen CS Generators for...
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    I was pleasantly surprised :) Off now to have a read (John C Lilly autobiography) and a smoke! Also forgot to mention that it improves your auditory perceptions :)
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    Magnum - UK Rock Band

    1D4IM56SZh0 1n17OK52i9k more will be added :) hope you enjoy :)
  17. T

    [Rock Music] The Obsessed, Spirit Caravan, Wino

    :D many thanks :D I am listening as we type, Wino - Adrift. And its a resounding YES :D Thanks for the introduction KingLordMaster :D Check these guys out and let me know your thoughts....... Magnum(from Birmingham, UK) 7MpCu5eoD1c
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    Blue Apples (Stargate 2012 Wormholes)

    Blue Apples (Stargate 2012 Wormholes) by William Henry (1) Ghg0MvAT8b0 William has found a coded message within the temple walls of ancient Egypt and other civilizations. The human body is an antenna capable of resonating the precious magical substance or tone of the Milky Way that Mayan...
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    Smoked some Mugwort(2 singles in 15mins) and am pleased to report that I felt many benefits :D Experienced a medium high for around 10mins, and had a laughing fit! The taste of Mugwort is very mild. Will try a Mugwort and Baybean mix smoke later today! I only smoke single sized so if you smoke...
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    all the food is poison

    I have been making my own colloidal silver for over ten years - and without any side effects! I am aware the story of turning blue if you ingest too much, but that was a scare story put out to to try and stop people using it! - is more dangerous taking prescribed medication! My mother almost...
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    all the food is poison

    My water filter removes fluoride :) It isn't a cheap jug filter! It does the job, and our water tastes beautiful! Agree with you on buying organic food, but not everyone can afford to. I also spray my fruit/veg with colloidal silver. They are making it so difficult to live a healthy life...
  22. T

    Who or What Inspires You?

    :D Namaste KingLordMaster :D Rock n Roll = Lemmy! Absolutely :) Frank Zappa - totally with you there! Zakk Wykde - as above! Not heard of Robert Scott Weinrich (Wino), from many bands including Spirit Caravan, The Obsessed, Saint Vitus and Premonition 13. That man is a leader of people. -...
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    Who or What Inspires You?

    :D Namaste IJesusChrist :D , we've not spoken, now we have :) I like the vibe you give off IJesusChrist, you are a good soul. I've read some of your posts and take my hat off to you! I am currently feeling chilled, courtesy of a mixture of Baybean and Moroccan Mix. Nice. Not overpowering...
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    Who or What Inspires You?

    BananaPancake - an excellent post! I love Nature too. Adore listening to the birds singing. Love trees. When I was a young fit athlete I really enjoyed running in torrential rain. Invigorating! Yes! Nature is a great source of inspiration. Krishnamurti - like him too. Also agree with you...
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    Who or What Inspires You?

    Your inspiration can come from the living and also from those who have passed over to Spirit. Also your inspiration can come from anything! Even inanimate objects! Does music inspire? Well, if so, please do share :D Music that inspires me:- anything by Judas Priest, Magnum, Leonard Cohen...
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    Who or What Inspires You?

    :) I am inspired by the following people:- My Dad - Had three cancers at the same time, Lung-Skin-Prostate. Never moaned - never! Always had a smile and a kind word. Legend. True legend! Passed over to Spirit in 2001. My dog, Pippa - the most loving soul I have ever known. My best friend...
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    Tonight I smoked a (single sized) Baybean without anything else being added(for whatever reason I don't like king sized smokes). I am glad to report that I have experienced a brief(5mins) very mild high, but the feel good factor remains a while longer :) . So tomorrow I will carry on my...
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    Random pictures.

    I have a fetish for taking photographs of the Sun. Here is one such photo which I have edited and altered to make it into a piece of abstract art. Hope you like my first ever attempt at this :)
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    :? BUT...but....not butt.....would a Wild person catch a bus :? buses and wild people don't mix :) un less .......its a bus load of wild people!!! Life and beyond!
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    Alien Trees

    Namaste KrispedKritter, ah, yes, the infinite space of consciousness :) Even with eyes closed I(and others) can still see! Always have been able to, and seen some wonderfully wacky and geometrical patterns. My favorite are the swirling clouds which expand and retract, I feel as though I'm...
  31. T

    what if sleep is time???

    in the dream world I have never felt pain. In the "awake" world pain is a reality, whether it be physical or emotional, or spiritual pain. I have been frightened a few times in the dream world, only twice, but I remember both occasions as if they happened yesterday! I am also experiencing...
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    all the food is poison

    yeah, fo!od, has been savaged by the likes of Monsanto/Monsatan! Our food has been de-fooded! Food can kill! Yeah! Sick and twisted suits run the world and we are paying/eating the price. There is some good news though, there are countries who are banning GM, Hungary(pun intended)is one, and...
  33. T

    Can Dried Peruvian Torch be smoked?

    toyed with smoking it too. But will go with capsules! although may try a little smoke!
  34. T

    Some advice on San Pedro powder

    Great idea cahillcahill(not a Everton fan by perchance?). Will be ordering some myself and I have capsules so this is the route for me! :D
  35. T

    Dangers and Lethality of Microwave Technology

    Barrie Trower: Dangers and Lethality of Microwave Technology (2010) iLWRdkxKXiw At 2hrs 19mins this is akin to running a marathon! BUT the information is VITAL for everyone in today's world. If you have a mobile phone, microwave, laptop etc then PLEASE do watch this. I got rid of my microwave...
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    Ancient Futures

    :) wow :) will watch this later! Thanks for sharing!
  37. T

    Parallel Universe

    Parallel Universe O9LFd7ijVcE This will tickle your mind!
  38. T

    Peter Levenda: Secret Space Program

    Peter Levenda: Secret Space Program Conference Amsterdam 2011 DV6MVsmi6z8 This is a very interesting presentation which borders on the surreal! Some very strange individuals work for the intelligence services, very strange! Did someone mention Bishop......................... :shock...
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    Mark Thomas Secret Map Of Britain

    Mark Thomas Secret Map Of Britain itqMwuB8gOk The Mark Thomas Secret Map Of Britain. Some of the places that the UK government denies knowledge of: "It's not a secret underground bunker, it's just some underground tunnels"
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    Top 20 Lies Revealed- To Help Your Friends Wake Up

    Top 20 Lies Revealed- To Help Your Friends Wake Up -Read Description DYxDf599Nns
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    UFO near the Sun - Review of the activity of unidentified objects at March 21, 2012. (HQ) l4n624ljVFY
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    Hi! Your Wild eh! I can be, but mostly I'm laid back and can often be found in a body bag :D Welcome Wild :)
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    "TV = Mind Control"

    the sound of a TV - does it annoy me? It irritates the hell out of me! Its a tormenting demon! It deserves its place in hell.......not that I believe in such nonsense.......but it gets the point across :shock: TV is the new(ish) religion with its promotion of soulless "celebrities"(<hate that...
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    :) Thanks ophiuchus! Plenty of strange goings on around the Sun this year! One video I watched had what appeared to be a fleet of UFO's around the Sun! NASA(Never A Straight Answer) will come up with some lame excuse for what is seen on these videos, but as with our governments etc I don't...
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    Amazing footage of a UFO sucking fuel from the Sun! Talk about a hot smoking topic! Seriously folks you'll be amazed! Imagine watching this whilst tripping :D reB0yiXJ61Y
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    Hidden Meanings-Dangerous Religion

    Hidden Meanings-Dangerous Religion Part 1of 6 Really interesting presentation. Throws light(pun intended - to see why please watch this through to the end!) on so much! Well researched material. Find out what the term "Son of Man" really means, also the hidden meaning so much more! Bill Donahue...
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    "TV = Mind Control"

    whenever I'm at a friends house and they have their TV on I feel ill. So I always ask (politely) if they will switch the TV off, which they kindly do. Also radio adverts make me irritated! I hate commercial radio stations! So I make sure I don't listen to them!!! I dislike going to my dentist...
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    "TV = Mind Control"

    :) got rid of my TV five years ago. Just got sick and tired of what was spewing forth from each channel. I do like watching nature and astronomy documentaries which I watch online, and good comedy which is provided by Bill Hicks and George Carlin. What I have noticed is how much people are...
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    What are you listening to today?

    Suicidal Tendencies - Trip At The Brain (Awesome!) k0wKjAwQTSs
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    Your favourite movie?

    2001 A Space Odyssey The Big Lebowski The Good, The Bad, The Ugly Two Mules For Sister Sarah 2010 Life Of Brian Dreamcatcher Kentucky Fried Movie The Pianist The Help
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    What are you listening to today?

    mIC7KQPDuDc Judas Priest :) Simply the best metal band EVER :) No arguments! Period! Original song by Joan Baez:- JizRCGiwxVs
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    Alien Trees

    Meditation Experience: I usually meditate in bed before going to sleep, either sat upright or on my back, and with my eyes closed. I begin with some deep, slow breaths, and then I let the mind do its thing! The mind then tires itself out and tranquility comes, then the meditation begins. Even...
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    Am I too Old!!!

    KingLordMaster - where are my manners!!! THANKS for the input dude!!!
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    Am I too Old!!!

    BrainEater, appreciate your kind words :D I've never watched Loathing In Las Vegas! Maybe its time to do so! Talking of films, I watch two on a regular basis - The Big Lebowski and Dreamcatcher; both are top class films! I think the time will come when people do wake up to the constant...
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    Forgetfulness meditation

    I've done this mental excersise and it works! Especially when doing daily chores which are mundane - as washing the dishes or hoovering! :D I get to the point where I don't even know I am washing the dishes! And I don't make a mess either!
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    Am I too Old!!!

    and thanks for your welcome :D much appreciated! stories! Yes! And some involve ET's! I find meditation aids my consciousness as I've experienced some wacky trips without any substances! One regular meditation trip is what I imagine sky diving to be like! I also look forward to learning from...
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    Am I too Old!!!

    :D and what a trip it was! Geometrical tour de force! as for age, well, I've never taken much notice of the numbers game, although some folk I know are either obsessed by it or deny the numbers that accompany them and increase annually! My brother freaks out at the mention of the word...
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    Am I too Old!!!

    :D Greetings All :D I am a forever young in mind hippy who has edged into his 52nd year of travelling around the Sun on this beautiful planet of ours, which is being ill treated by those who care not for the welfare of any living being. These psychopaths have been in control for far too long...