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  1. gammagoblin

    My experiences with meditation

    Hmm I must say I never really had visuals on meditation nor did I try to have them but I was referring to the ego transcendence which was pretty effective with meditation and it made me realize I had the same experiences on psychedelics but was then too young to understand.
  2. gammagoblin

    My experiences with meditation

    First off I must say that when I was younger I experimented a lot with different psychedelics (mostly mushrooms and LSD) and was inspired by the accounts of people who had experiences of oneness, or finding the God within. Now I must say I was pretty young when I used them (15 to 20) and when I...
  3. gammagoblin

    Are we conscious?

    I have been interested in this topic for some time and have come to the conclusion that there is no free will. Even if we consciously make decisions, which can be doubted as you said, these decisions are based on what you think is best according to the things you value the most which is the...
  4. gammagoblin

    Mystic visions/paralell worlds

    my guess is that it's from one of the plane's where shaman's go to (underworld, upperworld, and middle world). These are said to be realms where you can access the collective unconscious and the things you see are symbolic representations of certain things that happen here which can have an...
  5. gammagoblin


    Okay, I guess you are right. One questions remain's though... If it isn't a disease and why the western society views it as dangerous because it is afraid of alternative states of consciousness, what could the possible benefit of having a psychosis be? I would say, being "trapped" into your...
  6. gammagoblin


    Regarding shamanism, what I meant is what I learned in the shamanic training I am doing now is that you go to the 'underworld' which is another name for the collective unconscious. I think in a psychosis you enter the same realm. And with the proper techniques you can choose to get in the...
  7. gammagoblin


    Yeah it crossed my mind before that people may unconsciously choose to get into this state of mind. However this is still different than actively taking a substance for example. So the chance of a 'bad trip' so to say is larger, but I think, like psychedelics a bad trip can still have beneficial...
  8. gammagoblin


    It is an interesting viewpoint that a psychosis is a spiritual crisis. However most people who have a psychosis are suffering from it. Guess you can compare it to a bad trip, but then a bad trip from something you didn't know you took it because people in a psychosis don't choose to get one. If...
  9. gammagoblin


    I think you have a point there, but I don't think I entirely agree. When you're in a psychosis you don't rationally think "hey, that person is the devil" for example, your brain forces this conviction onto your conscious mind so you have to go with it. And often the person in a psychosis doesn't...
  10. gammagoblin


    Psychosis is a phenomenom shared by different psychiatric disorders, such as manic depressive, schizoaffective and schizophrenia. Although it is said to be true that a schizophrenic psychosis is different from a manic depressive psychosis, it isn't necessarily true that when one has...
  11. gammagoblin


    @BrainEater: I do think you're confusing schizophrenia with psychosis. Schizophrenia means nothing more than that you are vulnerable for psychosis. I have schizophrenia, but I feel more sane than ever before so it doesn't have to say that you're struggling with psychotic thoughts or symptoms...
  12. gammagoblin

    What have you gained from psychedelics?

    It's a simple question, I don't think it requires much elaboration. So, what have you gained from using psychedelics? Discuss.
  13. gammagoblin


    Well since I have schizophrenia myself I should be able to see for myself whether or not there is a link between shamanism and schizophrenia. I recently started a course (is that the right word?) in shamanism from a dutch guy through the internet. The goal we had until now was to always live in...
  14. gammagoblin

    Brew your own beer?

    I certainly get drunk differently on beer, wine, or spirits. I always thought that was because of the herbs they put in beer and wine. Hop in beer, but I don't know whether they put herbs in wine. Come to think of it, I don't think they do. Could also be the rate of absorption of alcohol in the...
  15. gammagoblin

    Your creative work, second edition

    Not as good as most of the stuff posted here, but here is my latest creation:
  16. gammagoblin

    I got today a letter from Tanzania with 10 gr of what ?

    yeah I know, I said .25 gram. But 250mg is still a large dose for some other psychoactives and because you said you weren't sure if it were mephedrone I would be cautious to try it.
  17. gammagoblin

    I got today a letter from Tanzania with 10 gr of what ?

    Isn't .25 gram a little much? I don't know what regular doses are for mephedrone but if it is another psychoactive it could be a massive dose. So my advice would be to take a little to see if it has any effect and move up from there.
  18. gammagoblin

    bad trip i think im crazy now 2ci 1st time tripping

    well from my experience, when you're having a psychosis you think it's real. So it's a good sign that you're questioning the experiences that you're having. Also I think it's pretty normal for your mind to still be a little different after you've tripped for eightteen hours(!!). I however can't...
  19. gammagoblin

    Cocaine & Olanzapine

    My guess is you will be able to handle it because I think MDMA triggers more dopamine than cocaine... I don't know this for sure though. That you can handle MDMA shows that you can handle quite something in any case.
  20. gammagoblin

    Psychonaut or Druggie?

    why is that?
  21. gammagoblin

    Psychonaut or Druggie?

    I think maybe it is true that we can pay more attention to other methods for self-exploration. But psychedelics are an easy way to do it and you can get results fast so in that way it can be a productive way for self-exploration and perhaps that's why the psychonaut community pay's so much...
  22. gammagoblin

    Cocaine & Olanzapine

    The halflife of olanzapine is 21-54 hours, which means that after 24 hours you still have at least half the dose in your body that you took the day before. So I think that if you don't want them to interact you will have to stay off the olanzapine a little longer, which probably isn't a very...
  23. gammagoblin


    too bad this topic is fucked up as well. I liked the discussion hadn't really thought about it yet. @vegan lifestyles: I don't really think everyone should go vegan either. Although it is true that there are also a lot of negative consequences of eating meat, like I said food that goes to waste...
  24. gammagoblin

    I know you all have some good psychedelic evidence :)

    Do you know the website http://www.maps.org/? It is an association for the studies of psychedelics and there is some research on potential benefits of psychedelics posted there.
  25. gammagoblin


    There’s a very good reason that I have not explained why killing an animal is any different than killing a fetus, and that’s because I never said it was the same or any different, so explain it to yourself. Why? It's an opinion to relate those two to eachother, not a fact. I explained why I...
  26. gammagoblin


    ^No you posted it in the Troy Davis thread. And no, you haven't explained why killing an animal is different than killing a fetus. Or why women shouldn't have control over their own body for that matter. Or even how you feel about anticonceptics, since they also prevent a baby from being born.
  27. gammagoblin


    Well since eating meat is also a choice with the consequence of killing a living being just like an abortion I don't think the analogy is that inappropriate. No, I did say that because I noticed a lot of people who think people are better than animals and I think that's a pathetic idea. It's...
  28. gammagoblin

    Troy Davis about to make his final journey

    I will reply in the death sentence and abortion thread you started :idea:
  29. gammagoblin


  30. gammagoblin


    Saying that you think that these things should be banned if abortion is banned is not thinking. If that's your idea of thinking though, I’d say that in certain cases maybe abortion wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all. Making it personal aren't we? I thought the people on this forum weren't...
  31. gammagoblin

    Troy Davis about to make his final journey

    I don't think I can delete my posts, don't see the button to do that. So I'll leave it up to the administrators to do what they want with my post. -edit: I see that I can delete this one, but the X isn't on my other post. I think it has to do with this being the last post and deleting a...
  32. gammagoblin

    Troy Davis about to make his final journey

    On the abortion issue; It is a little bit like murder indeed, but there is a little chance the fetus even knows it exists and from what I understand is that if it reaches a age abortion is illegal because from there on it really is alive. But also think of the consequences of having an unwanted...
  33. gammagoblin


    What is it? don't have a clue How much do you get? 6 to 9 hours, although 6 is not really enough for me. What happens if you get too much, too little? too much, I feel like I don't have any energy. Too little, just feel tired the next day or day's. Do you think it is a waste of time, or do you...
  34. gammagoblin


    Regarding the positivity of having schizophrenia... Having schizophrenia is mostly negative for me. This is because of the way society looks at this label, and also because I, myself look a little dogmatic at this label. So I think I make it more hard for myself than it already is. But...
  35. gammagoblin

    predicting events

    I was wondering whether or not I should put this in the determinism topic, but I think it comes more to it´s right in a new topic. So I´ll start one. When I took psychedelics I had a couple of incidences where a dream I had would become real. For example I when I was a child I dreamt a really...
  36. gammagoblin

    DMT Endogenous

    Maybe you all know this already, but from reading several drug fora I have always learned that endogenous DMT was just a hypothesis. I just came across the wikipedia article on DMT and there it states that DMT occures in the body in very small amounts (nanograms per liter). Thought I'd share it...
  37. gammagoblin

    Hello mellow yellow

    my sister lives in South Africa, first in Johannesburg, now in Cape Town.. not for long anymore though, she's getting a baby and moves back to europe. Anyway, welcome.
  38. gammagoblin

    boredom, methadone and a new life.

    yeah I also feel like another person, had that feeling many times after usage of LSD for example, but it was never as strong as when I got out of my psychosis. That shakes your fundamentals up pretty darn good. As for the methadone... I have never used it or seen anyone else use it. Closest I...
  39. gammagoblin

    OBE's and NDE's

    @mescaline: You're right I was primarily referring to psychosis. Although I did read in the article of bufotenine that it could play a role in autistic people as well. As for ketamine vs dmt, I haven't smoked DMT so I can't really compare the two but I have heard someone talking about these...
  40. gammagoblin

    OBE's and NDE's

    @illegalsmile: the drug you mean is adrenochrome, which is an oxidized form of adrenaline. I have read a text somewhere (in dutch, so I won't post it) where someone say's adrenochrome is also the cause of mental illness. This isn't regularly accepted though. I have also read somewhere sometime...
  41. gammagoblin


    This might be a fun thing to add: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosenhan_experiment
  42. gammagoblin


    Well haloperidol works by inhibiting dopamine. The current idea in psychiatry is that in a psychosis there is too much dopamine and that causes the hallucinations. So antipsychotics inhibite dopamine, and the newer antipsychotic drugs also act on other receptors such as 5-ht2a (which is the...
  43. gammagoblin

    OBE's and NDE's

    The question "what is real?" is an interesting one indeed. I figured the only thing you can say for sure what is real is that "I am" or "I exist", everything else could be a hallucination. Can't know for sure. However, I do not see this entirely relevant to the question of wheter or not OBE's...
  44. gammagoblin

    OBE's and NDE's

    Yes I have heard this theory more. But would it be real what you experience or would it be a hallucination?
  45. gammagoblin

    OBE's and NDE's

    What is your take on Out-of-Body-Experiences and Near-Death-Experiences? I don't really know what to make of them. On one hand I find it logical that your brain can do crazy things when there is no more blood/oxygen coming. But on the other hand I have read accounts of people describing till...
  46. gammagoblin


    Why they have gone away... this is pretty much a mystery for me. No doubt the doctors attribute it to the haloperidol that was given to me, I doubt it a little because it still took 2 month's after I started the medication before they went away. I didn't notice less delusions or something after...
  47. gammagoblin


    @HermesTrismegistus: It all started in 2008 when I was staying at a squatted house and chillin' to music (didn't even take that much drugs then) when I felt something change in my head. It felt like something shortcircuiting or something. But I could still think straight so I thought it was...
  48. gammagoblin

    binaural beats - Gate of Hades

    Well I tried it, had consumed half a bottle of wine and a tiny amount of hasjish beforehand though, and it could indeed be that my earphones don't reach the set frequency and it gave me the creeps a little bit but I was mostly annoyed by the sound of the file. Could also be because I was annoyed...
  49. gammagoblin

    binaural beats - Gate of Hades

    I haven't tried Gate of Hades (yet), don't know if I should do it considering I'm sensitive to psychosis. I have tried Hand of God though, and it is just as expensive on the idoser site as Gate of Hades, but it didn't do anything for me. Listening to normal music brings me more of a vibe.
  50. gammagoblin


    Howdi, I haven't been here in a long time and wasn't a regular poster even when I was here although I did read a lot on this site but I would like to share something with you. A year ago I had a psychotic break, was hospitalized for three month's and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Now I was...
  51. gammagoblin

    Humans and Animals

    everything is just created by energy and molted on to eachother, why bother to differentiate?
  52. gammagoblin

    Humans and Animals

    every human looks different, didn't you notice?
  53. gammagoblin

    What is important?

    my mom
  54. gammagoblin

    Humans and Animals

    the only difference between humans and animals is appearance
  55. gammagoblin


    If we were living in some remote landscape so that every animal can live free and we would have to hunt the animals with our bare hands (or so to speak) so that we can see what harm we do and what the animal has to put through when we slaughter it I would eat meat, but nowadays the meat just...
  56. gammagoblin

    ET's and UFO's

    I had a familiar experience once (or twice but that might have been the acid), I was on holiday with my family and we were looking at the stars when suddenly a light moved very fast, stopped instantly for a while and then slowly moved away again, disappearing in the air. We all saw it and i...
  57. gammagoblin

    12 Poisoned in Berlin Group Therapy, 2 Die

    why would one use ephedrine in a therapeutic session? I always thought that ephedrine was just an upper and that the only therapeutic value it has is for
  58. gammagoblin

    Same sex mariages

    Sure, gay people marrying is no problem. Gay people who can't admit they're gay and engaging in straight marriage's, that is a problem
  59. gammagoblin

    Went to Space and never left the Launch Pad ^_^

    reminds me a bit of the catpee trips in southpark, only without the titties :P
  60. gammagoblin

    My salvia experiences.

    I think it's pretty safe to say rooms don't fold into itself..
  61. gammagoblin


    perhaps a personal story of someone who's life changed for the better after using these substances. In what way his life improved and such.
  62. gammagoblin

    Some discussion about American foreign policy...

    and good acid is supposed to show you things should be dominated? don't make me laugh :P.
  63. gammagoblin

    Some discussion about American foreign policy...

    correction, not in YOUR reality ;).
  64. gammagoblin

    where is the soul ?

    yeah a shame it can't explain the wonder of direct experience, which is where the soul is I believe. why? so I can get in line? Don't think so :P.
  65. gammagoblin

    Some discussion about American foreign policy...

    tnx you just said I won the argument :D.
  66. gammagoblin

    where is the soul ?

    yeah and science explains all.
  67. gammagoblin

    Some discussion about American foreign policy...

    "Tell me a situation where it is not wrong , where it would be right or not just an opinion if its right or wrong that rapeing a kid in the arse isnt wrong " When you're the head of the psycho who's doing it it probably isn't wrong. Now you'll probably say this is an opinion, but calling it...
  68. gammagoblin

    Some discussion about American foreign policy...

    Well, it might be an opinion whether cannabis is dangerious, but it is a fact that it causes relatively low harm, especially compared to alcohol for example. And that's where I think the difference lies. Please pay a little more attention because you did and you just did it again. Is murdering...
  69. gammagoblin

    Some discussion about American foreign policy...

    I ment your last sentence, because you decided, if something is right or wrong, and it sounded unquestionable, but who are you to say that? Someone else can have his opinion right? perfect example of the meaningless of duality btw, for what's wrong for you is right for someone else. "but his...
  70. gammagoblin

    Some discussion about American foreign policy...

    pfew you really look like the judging God christianity wants you to believe in.
  71. gammagoblin

    Salvia near death experience!

    I once smoked a 10x extract while on mushrooms and I saw my life since I was a child till that moment flashing before my eyes. I also lost every contact with my body and felt like I was floating in nothing. Don´t know if that´s a near death experience, I do know that at first I thought I died.
  72. gammagoblin

    Cannabis Bonsai (real or photoshop?)

    the shadows and lightfall look pretty weird to me.
  73. gammagoblin


    you got me there :P alright I"ll try... but with a different approach I think life's all about living from your heart, once you do that people around you pick it up and start doing good things for you. That's karma I think. This has already come around in the topic I guess, but this united the...
  74. gammagoblin


    Getting a little grumpy? :P My previous post was exactly what I wanted to say, more than that misses the point.
  75. gammagoblin

    Some discussion about American foreign policy...

    I don't want you to bail, I just want to understand what you're saying!I haven't read all your posts carefully.. but from what I understood you want a very limited government which takes care of the people? Hmm.. saying it like this makes it sound a hell of a less bad :P... I guess the word...
  76. gammagoblin


    I was gonna explain, but then I understood these are things you have to figure out for yourself.
  77. gammagoblin


  78. gammagoblin

    Some discussion about American foreign policy...

    well fuck em, you're just doing your thing right? The only problem I have with your thoughts is that if you have someone ruling the world, there is someone who say's how things should be done and I can't stand it if someone does that.
  79. gammagoblin

    Some discussion about American foreign policy...

    Aahh... do you feel abandoned? :P
  80. gammagoblin


    I believe in things such as the unconscious and perhaps even the collective unconscious, so if I were to do such a thing, on the surface I might feel very secure about the stuff I am doing, but deep inside me, perhaps I won't even notice, there is a feeling that what I'm doing is wrong. well at...
  81. gammagoblin


    Maybe it's just our own conscience that decides :P.
  82. gammagoblin

    My Bible Theory

    Of course not, how could God do such a horrific thing?? That was the work of SATAN!! I'm telling ya! God meaning to be sounds pretty logical to me, I see God as the giant swarm of energy that the universe is, and that just is :P.
  83. gammagoblin

    Tarot and Entheogens

    well, I agree with God and find them mumbo jumbo, but they can be useful mumbo jumbo :P for they can give you a different perspective on things. And on topic, when on psychoactives one's mind is more opened up so the different perspectives that could be drawn from the "mumbo jumbo" would be...
  84. gammagoblin

    Psilocybine extraheren uit paddo's

    :D heerlijk met het halfverteerde eten er nog in......... soort van sushi krijg je dan, toch?:P
  85. gammagoblin

    Secrets of the 3rd reich

    hitler lookalike :P
  86. gammagoblin

    Secrets of the 3rd reich

    Did you know he loved animals, especially dogs very much? Does that say anything about loving animals?
  87. gammagoblin

    loonie stuff

    A thought occured to me about the "loonie stuff"... Isn't the psychedelic experience also just a ride through insanity (consequently loonie stuff)? Not trying to degrade the psychedelic experience because I think you can learn a lot from temporal insanity. But couldn't it also be thrown on the...
  88. gammagoblin

    Your suggestions for Psychonaut.com

    I don't mean this bad or anything, because I can see why you say these things and I agree, but your "ranting" about esoteric loonie stuff could also very well be interpreted as you putting your standards on other people. Maybe that's why everyone's having such a hard time digging that shit.
  89. gammagoblin


    You'rel right, there's no point in questioning these kinds of things, it leads to nowhere. Thanks.
  90. gammagoblin

    i've got a weird problem...

    Do you mean this?
  91. gammagoblin


    My answer to those questions would be yes, and that's why I started this topic. Because the "interconnectedness with everything" could try to tell you something with these events.
  92. gammagoblin


    so there it is :P coincidence doesn't exist. It's all a part of the process :roll: What process are you talking about if I may ask? The process of exploring yourself?
  93. gammagoblin


    Yeah, that's also all I know, and I like to speculate :P
  94. gammagoblin


    No kidding :P but that still doesn't answer the question.
  95. gammagoblin


    Not at all :P I just like to think about it. @Fork: You understand now?
  96. gammagoblin


    Damn.. that's hard to do :P I tried to define it but I had to come to the conclusion coincidence doesn't exist for there are always motives behind everything. For example, you meet a friend who you haven't seen in a long time, on the street. Of course you can say, no coincidence you two meet...
  97. gammagoblin


    does it exist?
  98. gammagoblin

    Aspiring Psychonaut

    What if I normally always get irritated, or I am always to shy, to see the world through the eyes of love when sober (don't say I have this, just a rhetoric question), and I do want to come in that state of mind, to see how that can benefit me, so that I can change from being irritated at...
  99. gammagoblin

    Aspiring Psychonaut

    I know, it has the potential for exploitation but that doesn't mean it doesn't have the potential for mind exploration. Other psychedelics have that too by the way :P I know people who used to take LSD daily just to escape from ordinary reality. Seeing the world through the eyes of love, no...