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  1. M

    mdma dose

    2nd that! If not used at a party but in a more relaxed setting I enjoy around 90mgs, as the physical effects are less pronounced while the empathogenesis is already at it's full right.
  2. M


    If you got some good hasj cook with it! Up to a gram should get you to those places where joints don't take you.... :)
  3. M

    Personal Preference?

    I've only had mCPP by accident and it's no fun: nausea, cold shivers,... The good stuff comes in short waves now and then. I would throw it away if I had some.
  4. M

    Cambodia to destroy all 'ecstasy oil' stocks

    If they would send it to me I could destroy it for them...
  5. M

    I am god!

    egocentric delusions.....
  6. M

    Hulp nodig bij DMT extractie a.u.b

    Koop enkel gootsteenontstopper als deze enkel NaOH bevat of als je zeker bent dat er geen ingrediënten inzitten die je niet in je eindproduct wilt. Je kunt beter NaOH pellets of oplossing kopen voor zwembaden.
  7. M

    In your opinion?

    Thanks for the corrections.
  8. M

    In your opinion?

    So to answer your question, acetate is stronger by weight than citrate, but the amount of mescaline you've extracted is pH (and other factors) dependent. So using different acids to salt out the mesc is going to give other "yield" by weight. But the amount of mescaline molecules is about the same.
  9. M

    In your opinion?

    Mescaline freebase's molecular weight is 211,25758 g/mol So one gram of freebase mescaline contains 0.00473355 moles of mescaline. Mescaline HCl: 211.25758 g/mol + 36.46 g/mol = 247.7175 g/mol So one gram of mescaline.HCl contains 0.0040368 moles of mescaline. Sulphate: 211.25758 + 97 = 308,26...
  10. M

    Jwh-018 + bk-mdma=?

    That each decides on his own combo's and not push them on others.
  11. M

    Jwh-018 + bk-mdma=?

    The only legit research are clinical studies and case reports of idiots. So he's not the only irresponsible drug dealer in the world.
  12. M

    Jwh-018 + bk-mdma=?

    Taking a combination of research chemicals is dangerous and irresponsible, not to speak about selling it. Adding caffein is ripoff, and 100mgs is a fair dose. If you want "filler" use fructose. I suggest your friend just sell the substances separately and honestly, and if he wants to make...
  13. M

    newbie looking for resources

    Welcome! A good technique for beginners is the so-called PF (psilocybe fanaticus) tek. You grow the mycelium in a vermiculite matrix with brown rice flour as nutrient source. Here are some good places to start: http://www.fungifun.org/English/Pftek http://www.shroomery.org/5102/The-PF-Tek...
  14. M

    hydrogen peroxide

    Plants don't want O2. They do use O2 for cellular respiration but O2 partial pressure is certainly not the limiting factor here. And they produce enough on their own. O2 is a competitive inhibitor versus CO2 for the rubisco enzyme, that fixates CO2 in carbon chains.
  15. M

    Favorite of the three common Echinopsis (Trichocereus)?

    If you're starting a garden maybe you should consider buying all three and doing some comparative research on your own. Mescaline production is augmented in time of drought and stress, so stressing the plant before use would increase mescaline content (but will repress growth). Also putting it...
  16. M

    We are unknowingly experiencing alien influences. yes or no?

    A little correction adrianhaffner, they never found any fossils of bacteria or DNA in meteorites. They did however find organic molecules (amino acids and nucleotide bases, which are the building blocks of resp. proteins and DNA). Its very probable that these molecules - next to the organic...
  17. M

    Favorite Mushrooms

    The sclerotia would have a higher ratio of psilocybin versus psilocin, resulting in a longer trip with more of a plateau than a peaking state. In my experience truffles gave more of an oriented, driving power in stead of chaotic twists and getting thrown around, but I did kind of expect that...
  18. M

    Something to help me relax

    Stay away from cocaine if you're insecure!! It will turn you into an annoying loser.
  19. M

    Is the LHC sabotaging itself from the future?

    Of course it's not. That's ridiculous.
  20. M

    Trip Tunes

    On my last trips I turned of the music before the peak. Listen to your own music :D But when there's music I enjoy IDM, ambient and nu-jazz...
  21. M

    Is the LHC sabotaging itself from the future?

    The problem is isomorphism; there is nothing in our perception, our world that acts the same way as elementary particles or their constituents. We have to make up things; a wave and a ball at the same time? That's just as insane as dead and alive at the same time. I have to agree that there are...
  22. M

    Is the LHC sabotaging itself from the future?

    It's a thought experiment. You can say it's anything until it's observed if you want. Shrödinger was merely using it as an illustration. The experiment is not perfect. There is a small amount of time between the gun shooting and the bullet killing the cat, so the spin of the electron can be...
  23. M

    Is the LHC sabotaging itself from the future?

    Depends... They are individuals and shouldn't be generalised. Most are fully aware that they are merely creating a model. Do you believe in electrons IJC? :wink:
  24. M

    easy way to extract dmt to smoke?

    What mimosa/acacia species do you have??
  25. M

    expectation in trips

    I expect my trips to far exceed my expectations... And fireworks :D
  26. M


    It's relatively good for opening things up and letting emotions flow, but I think the (slight) psychedelic aspect you can add to it can also be experienced sober; by meditation, or by simply being with yourself in a contemplative state. And it doesn't FEEL like (classic) psychedelics either...
  27. M


    I don't consider it a psychedelic or entheogen. But this is a semantic issue. It's a psychoactive substance that can be used and abused. Loosing the brakes on your thoughts has it's advantages. Not to mention the social aspect. Underlying mental issues can surface as well when drunk...
  28. M

    Shroom Trip

    Uh... Because he doesn't want to die / get hurt / arrested... Loosing control is a rational fear. Set and setting!
  29. M

    Shroom Trip

    Mushrooms are totally different from salvia. It's possible, but it's all about letting go. As soon as you succesfully do this there is no more need/concept/perception of control. I find this works easier on higher doses but when you resist the slap in the face will be more intense. What dose...
  30. M

    why do people say trips from shrooms and lsd differ?

    I think any difference matters. Different molecules. LSD is a 5HT6 receptor agonist, whereas psilocybin is not. Different anticipations (maybe). An LSD experience lasts longer (indirect effects?). Lower amount of substance taken (less "side"-effects?). And the potency is harder to estimate...
  31. M

    First time with shrooms... concerned.

    Feeling nervous beforehand is normal and OK. However focussing on your behaviour while tripping may have the exact opposite effect or may ruin the trip in another way. It's not easy to keep an eye on yourself while your identity is fading. You don't loose much control over your actions, but they...
  32. M

    Let it out!

    Your post wasn't wrong, sorry if I was a bit agressive It's indeed a way of thinking less. Or typing less in the programming metaphor
  33. M

    outdoor cannabis-which strain to choose

    I've had good results with "the church". The seeds are cheap and I heared nothing but good things about it. Outdoors in full ground, harvested in october. No moulds, about 90 grams of bud per plant. Nice full warm taste, a bit like the cheesy strains but not cheesy per se... good high.
  34. M

    Let it out!

    It's part of how we think. By identifying cyclic events, repetitions, we can give them a symbol and use them as a concept. A bit like programming; how series of algorithms that are used frequently get welded into a function.
  35. M

    The Fear!

    Nervousness before the peak is a very common effect with psychedelics. There are a lot of ways for dealing with this. Meditation, reading, watching cartoons (watch out for being stuck in television while peaking :lol: ), cleaning your room or doing the dishes, taking a shower.... I prefer a...
  36. M

    3d fractal

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  37. M


    Bij mij staat die site in het nederlands, omdat ik hem al eerder had bezocht. Je kunt de taal veranderen links boven bij de vlaggetjes. :wink:
  38. M

    ogm and feminised seed

    The feminised seeds' genome is practically twice the half of the parent genome. So recessive genes from the parent have less dominant counterparts in the seed. It's practically inbreed, so if you have a strong parent (all good traits have 2 dominant alleles) it's not that bad.
  39. M


    If you want to experience more, try to embrace the negative as well.
  40. M


  41. M


    Before tripping, I don't plan any activities anymore. I've had the best experiences when I tried to do absolutely nothing. If you're getting restless, try to be with yourself.
  42. M

    heroine/bruin vragen

    Dit geldt dan voor farmaceutische/pure heroine, en niet het spul dat je hier in europa op straat koopt (bruin).
  43. M


    amen to that!
  44. M

    Word Association Game

    Loop, rope, hemp
  45. M

    anybody have any good easy recipes?

    If you can get some good hash use that in stead of bud. You only need about half a gram per person and it's orally active as is (in bud most THC is in the carboxilic acidic form; it needs to be heated for activation). Dissolve the hash in butter molten au bain marie. Once you have the butter you...
  46. M

    Why the fuck are we so small and do we "exist"

    Our size is perfect for what we are. Different sizes means different laws: compare an insect falling down one meter or an elephant falling down one meter. Or try comparing an electron to a ball or a wave...
  47. M

    Alcohol+XTC better than Cannabis+XTC

    I only smoke and drink on MDMA for the taste sensation. I don't like the effects. Too much cannabis makes me crawl in my own head and ruins the social, while alcohol takes of the edges and ruins the empathy.
  48. M

    Heroic Doses

    +1 The "heroic" property should manifests in the mindset rather than the dose per se. Otherwise it's just a big dose.
  49. M


    Effecten zouden kwalitatief met psilocybine te vergelijken moeten zijn. Zowel psilocybine als 4-O-acetyl-DMT wordenin het lichaam omgezet naar psilocine, die de eigenlijke werkzame stof is (psilocybine raakt niet door de bloedhersenbarriere). Deacetylatie van 4-O-ac-DMT naar psilocine gebeurt...
  50. M


    Amazing movie indeed. Have you seen the qatsi trilogy? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFwR1c-c ... re=related
  51. M


    Couldn't have said it better. If you're not ready to make a choice on your own, perhaps you're not ready for the choice at all. It's better to think deeply instead of gathering arguments on the internet. It's about YOU and your life. It's very easy to decide not to do something, opposed to...
  52. M

    paranoia control?

    You can avoid the effects of cannabis by not using it. Sounds like you had some good weed. :wink:
  53. M

    Extending the mushroom experience

    Mr. Smith (or his previous incarnation) once reported a couple day mushroom experience. It think it was achieved mainly trough redosing and coffee.
  54. M

    which is which?

    I believe the environment is (almost per definition) NOT a reflection of our thoughts. But there is a catch: The reflection of our thoughts (modulation of senses) is a model of the environment. And this model is what we perceive as the environment, and is easily confused with the more absolute...
  55. M

    GHB, your opinion

    I've tried it two times last month. It's a very cosy drug and was impressed by how it does have some similarities with MDMA in the body high. I didn't have any insights, I didn't expect any either. Plus the setting didn't allow much introspection; I took it with friends, we made jokes and...
  56. M

    smoking vs eating

  57. M

    smoking vs eating

    You can smoke psilocybin/psilocin by extracting it and recovering it from the alkaline phase, in the freebase form, like smokeable DMT. The effects are reported to be very similar to DMT.
  58. M


    Cannabinoids have low solubility in water but they still do, so there could be some loss. Opiates are water soluble even at low temperature so you don't need to soak the weed into hot water. I have no experience with smoking weed that has been soaked but theoretically it should work. I wonder...
  59. M


    Once you are physically safe you don't need to do anything. Except for realising the right way is to get lost. And heavy terms as "trust" and anti-anxiety protocols aren't necessarily your allies as buffachino pointed out.
  60. M

    Drug related famous people

    A bigger list on erowid: http://www.erowid.org/culture/character ... _use.shtml
  61. M

    Mimosa Hostilis

    In the plant DMT is in an equilibrium between freebase and protonated form. Most is protonated under the physiological pH of the cell so a great portion is water soluble. Adding an acid would drive the equilibrium to the water soluble form. The yield would be higher when using an acid.
  62. M

    everything forever - interesting way of seing the universe

    The theory would imply there are multiple "us" each with his own future, so in a way what you say fits the theory. EDIT: the parallel-universe theory, that is...
  63. M

    LSD - Beginnersvragen

    Als informaticus zul je zeker wel genieten van LSD denk ik. Je vraagt je af hoe het denken verandert. Naar mijn mening is dat is één van de nuttigste bronnen van informatie over jezelf die te vinden zijn in de psychedelische ervaring. Je leert hoe de wereld er anders kan uitzien naarmate de...
  64. M

    Despite the fact it's awful...

    discovery => power => responsibility
  65. M

    Theorys on Purpose and Creation

    Time affects me. There is a difference between 5 and 10 minutes. Time can change your life. Time can be measured.... Of course time exists...
  66. M

    Psychedelic Films List - Add/Comment?

    Fantastic Planet (planete sauvage) The Jacket Jacobs Ladder
  67. M

    Cannabis knocking me out? :O

    I meant even when sober, a decent meal tires me for about half an hour.
  68. M

    Gefeliciteerd Heartcore en Maxi!!

    Een mini-maxi :D
  69. M

    Aliens, Psychedelics and the Transcendent

    Happy birthday! Lovely day indeed. I wish I could enjoy it more but I have my final exam tomorrow :roll:
  70. M

    tricyclic antidepressants and the effects of LSD

  71. M

    Cannabis knocking me out? :O

    Don't smoke in the morning. Try smoking less frequent but higher doses. I don't see any solutions in eating a meal before smoking. It makes me even more tired.
  72. M

    some problems of grow and grow box

    They don't always turn blue. I've had semilanceata's that didn't turn blue but were fairly potent. It's a species thing.
  73. M

    some problems of grow and grow box

    I don't know but russian roulette is 1/6
  74. M

    Truffels, grote of juiste kleine stukken ?

    De kleintjes drogen sneller, dus als ze al wat drogen tussen oogst en wegen/verpakking zouden ze inderdaad potenter per gewicht moeten zijn dan grote stukken.
  75. M


    :shock: Nice!
  76. M

    Mimosa Hostilis

    For extraction maybe, not for tea. I think a low pH isn't really necessary as most alkaloids have pKa's way over 7 and are already water soluble at that pH. Right?
  77. M

    LSD dose 150~180mcgs, effects?

    I stole some eppendorf tubes from school to preserve my drugs geek-style 8)
  78. M

    alternative fuels

    Bio energy is great but it's at the cost of food production. And a car eats more joules than the person driving it. As for solar energy: it could have been changed in meantime but a surface of plants captures more energy than the same surface in solar panels. I think the answer lies in nuclear...
  79. M

    no effects of lsd ??

    Did you immediately swallow it or did you hold it in your mouth for some time? Also, I find when I take half and redose half an hour later the trip is less intense. The blotter could be shit: low dosed and/or damaged by heat, UV,... Better luck next time
  80. M

    Marijuana May Cause Cancer and DNA Damage

    + most carcinogens that require a trigger don't show as carcinogen in the test for carcinogenicity because it's a controlled experiment with relatively pure samples of the substance. The ones that showed in cannabis smoke are well known carcinogens. Mostly aromatic apolar electrophiles that get...
  81. M

    Marijuana May Cause Cancer and DNA Damage

    Disabling the trigger is an anti cancer property. As for once carcinogen being more active than another is why I refered to the Ames test.
  82. M

    Marijuana May Cause Cancer and DNA Damage

    My point being, I'm pretty sure there are lots of carcinogens in cannabis smoke. All of them more harmful than aspirine (which is water soluble and has fast metabolisation). But that's not bad news. It means cannabis must have anti-cancer properties. Which is old news as well.
  83. M

    Marijuana May Cause Cancer and DNA Damage

    Carcinogens/mutagens increase the rate of mutation. The natural mutation frequency has been finetuned throughout evolution to get a good balance between variation and organism integrity. Testing a compound for mutagenicity can be done cheaply and fast with the Ames Test on bacteria...
  84. M

    High School Teen Accepts Penalty for Marijuana Speech

    Good arguments, but the CHOICE to smoke shouldn't be superimposed by laws and the risk of breaking them.
  85. M

    LSA + MAOi = ______?

    2nd that
  86. M

    Question regarding Naptha

    Alcohols will mix with the polar phase (water) so you can't discard aqueous junk. Alternatives are toluene, xylene, DCM,... Not much safe ones in there
  87. M

    Marijuana May Cause Cancer and DNA Damage

    The article isn't about THC, it's about smoking cannabis.
  88. M

    Marijuana May Cause Cancer and DNA Damage

    see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutagen for other classes of mutagens if you're interested
  89. M

    Marijuana May Cause Cancer and DNA Damage

    Yes there is. Lots of aromatic planar molecules intercalate between the nucleotide base pairs and cause deletions/insertions resulting in a codon frame shift so whole genes get turned of in stead of an amino acid shift.
  90. M

    "Mutual Respect"

    I think everyone who takes all this to heart spends too much time here.
  91. M

    Marijuana May Cause Cancer and DNA Damage

    ALL cancer is a form of DNA damage/mutation. Mutations often being the result of damage.
  92. M

    "Mutual Respect"

    That quote should be in forum rules imo.
  93. M

    Theorys on Purpose and Creation

    There is way more consequence in nature than there is purpose. And as purpose always is a consequence of the state of the universe, it also would be constantly changing. We don't have a destination but that doesn't mean we are heading somewhere.
  94. M

    "Mutual Respect"

    Great idea GOD. But who defines piece of shit?
  95. M

    Shrooms and Confidence.

    I think it matters how sincere your confidence is. If you're lying to yourself because you want to create the illusion of control maybe you shouldn't take the trip at all.
  96. M

    Spore syringes and DIY vs. Grow Boxes

    I've been considering outdoor growing for the very reasons you named. It's a little bit more work but in the end you have a self-sustaining patch.
  97. M

    Heavenly Blues - Cold Water Extraction or Chewing

    Lsa seeds contain toxic glucosides, which lead to peroxide formation in your cells. An estimated 400 million people worldwide are deficient in the enzyme required to cope with this heavy oxidative stress. It's the most common human enzyme deficiency. A cold water extraction should get rid of...
  98. M

    Mushrooms and anti biotics

    Antibiotics weaken your mitochondria because they resemble bacteria, which leads to reduced sugar metabolism = reduced energy. I've heard some bad things about tripping when tired. But I'm not a doctor...