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Le forum des amateur·ices de drogues et de l'exploration de l'esprit

Résultats de la recherche

  1. Ilian

    stichting OPEN: LSD and MDMA as therapeutic tools

    De tweede lezing komt eraan! Deze zal wederom plaatsvinden in Amsterdam, op maandag 28 januari 2008, van 15.00 tot 17.30. Het onderwerp is: LSD AND MDMA AS THERAPEUTIC TOOLS Met Valerie Mojeiko (USA) van MAPS waar: Universiteit van Amsterdam Roetersstraat 15, gebouw A, kamer B. (UvA)...
  2. Ilian

    (anti)G8 @ germany in june

    G8 is going to have their next annual meeting in germany this year. some of the worlds richest people are going to decide the faith of all of us, and thus those meetings nearly always result in violent clashes of activists vs riot police. the meeting will be in june, in the north-east of...
  3. Ilian

    Afspraken over drugsvrije dancefeesten (awakenings)

    AMSTERDAM - Organisatoren van dance-events in Amsterdam gaan er zelf op toezien dat er op de feesten geen harddrugs worden gebruikt. De gemeente heeft hierover met hen afspraken gemaakt, meldde burgemeester Job Cohen donderdag aan een commissie van de gemeenteraad. Aanleiding voor de afspraken...
  4. Ilian

    wait time

    You cannot make another post so soon after your last; please try again in a short while. that really sucks when you just wanna edit a post.. i just replied to a thread and forgot a small detail, had to wait like half a minute to get it through :/ could this be lowered if not disabled?
  5. Ilian

    Cannabis 'affecting young minds'

    The effects of the drug on the developing brain are unclear. Half of young people using cannabis suffer side effects such as paranoia and blackouts, a UK survey suggests. More than 80% of the 727 young people in their teens and early 20s polled by YoungMinds had tried the drug - the vast...
  6. Ilian

    #Psychonaut IRC-chatroom

    Hi all, Ive requested the old thread to be unstickied, because it was outdated. We have a chatroom called #Psychonaut on an IRC-server. Of course chatting with other psychonauts is fun and sometimes very interesting, but there arent so many on the chat! It would be nice if more people join the...
  7. Ilian

    #Psychonaut chat quotes

    To get more people to join the chat i thought it would be nice to open a quote-thread for quotes of the chatroom. You can read more about the chatroom here: ttp://www.psychonaut.com/index.php?opti ... =0&lang=nl ====
  8. Ilian

    Psychedelic toad licking dog in rehab

    Published Monday 30th October 2006 13:28 GMT The owners of a cocker spaniel have told how their beloved pet became addicted to licking poisonous toads for their mind-bending properties. Laura Mirsch said her dog Lady returned to their new home from one binge at the local pond "disoriented and...
  9. Ilian

    Psychonaut online map

    I made this little online map for us :) check it out and add yourself at: http://www.frappr.com/?a=showmap2&mapid=2886819
  10. Ilian


    maybe you should have a look at coleus blumei/pumila ;) this plant is not proven to be psychoactive but its the "brother" (i think) of salvia, according to the maztecs. I have 2 of these plants are they are quite easy to grow, and they really look wonderful/psychedelic. about a month later (2...
  11. Ilian

    Vertaling salvia user guide - vertalers nodig

    Dit is een bericht wat ik origineel op een ander forum heb gepost (1min geleden). Ik dacht dat het misschien ook wel slim was om hier te posten, aangezien er hier meer mensen zijn die degelijk nederlands en engels spreken (het andere forum is wiet.nl waar het niveau niet bepaald hoog ligt)...
  12. Ilian

    my salvia grow

    Im going to post some pics of my salvias here ;) I've bought 3 cuttings in december 2005, i grew them indoors under TL (?) lightning.. they started growing and i was happy enough. I did have a lot of brown leafs and they werent growing that fast. I saw a pic on another forum of a salvia cutting...
  13. Ilian

    Quantum Mechanics/Physics

    Welcome to the weird world of quantum mechanics ^^ I recommend everyone reading this to 'get a hold of' the movie: what the bleep?! (extended version is "down the rabbit hole") I personally love this stuff, its so weird yet interesting. if u wanna have a quick peak at quantum physics...
  14. Ilian

    my outdoor grow 5x NLX

    heres some nice pics from my current outdoor grow, they are 5 NLX cuttings which i put outdoor on the 15th of may. first they didnt grow so fast because of the crappy weather, but now theyre skyrocketing. 28 june: 15 july: i 'topped' the planets several times, they are going to be...
  15. Ilian

    The new world order and globalism

    I would like to dedicate a topic to this subject, since this is also something for 'open minded' people. So what is this about? if you dont know the new world order, you could say this is about "conspiracy theories". The belief that governments terrorize the people to get more power, such as the...
  16. Ilian

    your biggest leaf

    when i came back from 3 weeks of vacation i found 1 of my salvias, the one that was under the strongest light, had grown quite a big leaf, even bigger than my hand: my other salvia plants make leafs that are more like half this size, so i thought i'd share this: anyone else with a huge salvia...
  17. Ilian

    10 jaar Legalize! Streetrave Amsterdam 10 juni

    de titel zegt het al ;) http://legalize.net/ ik zal er ook zijn met wat vrienden, nog meer mensen die gaan?
  18. Ilian


    im starting this thread because of this one: http://www.psychonaut.com/index.php?opt ... 34&lang=nl (1st one in this forum :ph34r:) there we went offtopic about movies etc, so far we have these: Pharmacratic Inquisition - about the suppressoin of knowledge of the church and the origin of...
  19. Ilian

    first timer psychedelics

    due to lack of "general" forum i guess ill post this here. I have never had a trip, only do hash (pure) and did small doses of N2O. I have been reading about psychedelics for about 2 years so i guess im prepared.. I am just wondering what you guys think would be the best psychedelic to start...
  20. Ilian


    This common household plant is, according to the mazatec indians, family of salvia divinorum. This plant is very interesting, but not much is known about it. has anyone ever tried it? what was the dose, way of ingesting it and the effects?
  21. Ilian

    forum links

    I have noticed that several links on this page/forum are not working. like the "last weeks top posting members".. If you click on a name t view the profile, you get redirected to the homepage (it should be index.php and not profile.php i think) also, if youre on the homepage, you can also see...
  22. Ilian

    Just have to share these pictures..

    i got the first picture from a forum, im not sure if it is this forum, at least i couldnt find the picture here :p
  23. Ilian

    new forum?

    i really think we need some sort of "general" forum. topics such as "lucid dreaming" arent in the right place, but there is not really any alternative.. art+philosophy perhaps? to me it seems it fits best in there, but actually it doesnt (does it?) also "general" topics such as "the perfect...
  24. Ilian

    Cannabis documentaires

    altijd interessant.. :) http://omroep.vara.nl/tvradiointernet_d ... ail=239013 Nederlands Nacrostaat - Over het het effect van het harde wietbeleid Aflevering Zembla; 37min, Windows Media Player en Real Player. http://www.vpro.nl/geschiedenis/anderet ... 7+16305180 Hasj - Over de geschiedenis...
  25. Ilian

    smartshop beleid?

    een vraagje over smartshops in nederland, worden er nog nieuwe shops toegestaan? er mogen niet meer coffeeshops komen (uitsterfbeleid) moet je ook nog een speciale vergunning hebben of is het net als elke andere detail handel?
  26. Ilian

    Butane Honey Oil

    Ive made some butane honey oil yesterday (and today) ive used a pipe, some screen, tape, 500ml gas, a piece of iron in which the gas goes and of course the trim.. put the screen on the pipe, put the trim in there, put the iron thingy on top of it and put the gas down there. the cannabinoids will...
  27. Ilian

    San Pedro + Salvia + Cannabis kweek growlogs

    ki heb zelf een klein psychoactief tuintje :) growlogs hiervan kan je vinden op: http://bombski.goddeloos.nl/p16.htm Ik moet de salvia nog updaten :P In de toekomst wil in nog kweken: hawaiian baby wood rose, papaver somniferum (zaad heb ik al), Yopo (zaad heb ik al), Kanna, paddos, coleus...