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Le forum des amateur·ices de drogues et de l'exploration de l'esprit

Résultats de la recherche

  1. GOD

    The age of responsibility

    Several hundred years ago a few middle class unempolyed people = Philosophers ........ realised that because they could see and recognise themselves in a mirror they must exist ......... ' I think therfore i am ( wonderfull ) ' . This was announced to be a part of a new philosophical age = the...
  2. GOD

    7th of july G20 in Hamburg

    Trump is comming to yurp for a meeting with the other nazis bastards that are dominating the planet and destroying it . IF you can please come and protest . This is going to be a debakle . The whole of hamburg will be on lockdown by tens of thousands of german pigs and soldiers and thousands of...
  3. GOD

    Dutch web host legal problems

    Dutch web host problems Can anyone please help us . We have massive problems with a dutch web host . We had a contract with them for several years . They never fullfilled the contract and we had one problem after another with them . They ignored a lot of our requests to update their software so...
  4. GOD

    Hash Mob

    The amis can smoke . Other countrys have also changed their laws to become more sensible . Obama told the world he used to smoke .......... BUT ...... our governments are still commiting drug war crimes against us . FUCK THEM . We all know what flash mobs are .......... and what facefuck...
  5. GOD


    Technicly i`ve been un-"banned" but the conditions put on me and the threats made against me prevernt me from takeing part in the forum . GODbye .
  6. GOD

    The annual World Drug Report

    "Want to know how many people use drugs in your country? These are the latest numbers" "The annual World Drug Report, published today by the UN office on drugs and crime, charts what it sees as the decline in production of cocaine and heroin but a rise in amphetamines and synthetic drugs. The...
  7. GOD

    Is your tool clean

    Does yours stink ? When do you clean it ? How do you clean it ? Does it work better afterwards ?
  8. GOD

    Wirtetapping by Canadian ISPs

    "Bill Forces Canadian ISPs to Install Wiretapping Equipment Subscriber information to be released without warrants Canada considers forcing ISPs to install wiretapping equipment on their networks According to a new bill introduced in Canada, Internet service providers will have to dig deep...
  9. GOD

    What is abuse ?

    What is drug abuse ? How can we recognise it ? Do you do it ?
  10. GOD

    Marijuana May Cause Cancer and DNA Damage

    "Marijuana May Cause Cancer and DNA Damage The conclusion belongs to a new study Marijauna may be responsible for damaging the DNA, which could lead to the development of cancer, according to a new study Studies covering the effects of marijuana and cannabis on the human body number in the...
  11. GOD

    Hello internet castrati

    What do you think about the internet . Is it good ? Is it bad ? How good and how bad ? Does it need controleing ? What about quality controls ? What about a sort of quality seal for sites ? What about file shareing ? Should it be stopped ? By who ? How ? What about child porn ? Do you believe...
  12. GOD

    Guided hallucinogenic sessions

    This is not an advert or an invitation . If there were guided hallucinogenic sessions in your area , or , for example offered in a place that you could aford to visit would you want to take part ? I mean with a therapist , with a shaman , a sitter and / or with an experienced tripper . Please...
  13. GOD

    10000000 X total shit

    Myy saliva was 10000000000000000000000 X and one only had to walk past it and one got a hit . I know its true because i`ve read the adverts that the dirty , faschist , capitalist hippy scumbag that so kindly sells it so cheeply and then goes to Goa with the money for 6 months a year told me ...
  14. GOD

    Free Heroin

    After years of arguments and controlled tests the German parlament has decided to give pure heroin to adicts that couldnt give their adiction up after going through other therapys . The government said that without pure heroin 100% of the most difficult cases couldent function socialy and...
  15. GOD

    Sex with animals

    What do you think ? Would you ? Have you ? Ever got sexualy exited looking at one / a group ? What should happen to people who do / did ?
  16. GOD


    How far have you been ? What happened ? How did it happen and is it safe to go out yet ? If it helps i can lend you a McDonalds bag with eye holes and "I`m not here" written on it.......
  17. GOD

    Same sex mariages

    What do you think ? Is it anyones buisness but that of two individuals ? Should the law be involved ? Is mariage the private posesion of christians ? What about the american woman that maried a dolphin ? You have something to say so SAY IT here .
  18. GOD


    What do you think ? Should it be illegal ? What about free will ? What about mercy killings ? What about people in pain and people on life suport machimes who want to die ? Would you help someone like that to die in dignity ? Have you ever had REAL pain ? What did you think ? What did you want ...
  19. GOD

    Terrorist McKenna

    This guy and the loony faction of his fan club are well on the way to causeing as much trouble as jewses and the bible have throughout the last few thousand years all over the planet . Some of you are starting to turn even the crazyest things he said into dogma , into infalible and undenyable...
  20. GOD

    File shareing security

    I`m very interested in how people deal with that . What security do you use ? What about proxys ? Suposedly secure browsers like darkfox , xb browser and others ? What about peerguardian and protowall ? There have also been other programs mentioned here in a thread Spice made . Have any of you...
  21. GOD

    And the UGLY

    What was the most dangerous , or violent , or nasty situation youve ever been in ? How ? Why ? And when ? And what did you learn out of it ?
  22. GOD

    The BAD

    Whats the lowest youve ever been ? Whats the worst experience youve ever had with and without drugs ? What was the low point of your life ?
  23. GOD

    The GOOD

    Whats the highest youve ever been ? I mean high not flat but you can also tell us about that as well . Whats the best experience youve ever had without drugs ? What was the high point of your life ?
  24. GOD

    Happy holiday Caduceus

    I hope your haveing a good holiday , are healthy and everything is going well for you . I also hope that when your holiday is over you will soon start posting again .
  25. GOD

    Pirate Bay Misstrial ?

    Since the Pirate Bay trial verdict went around the world several servers in Sweden have closed , in Malaya several have been closed by the police and the Bit Torrent trafic , at least in Sweden , went down 30 % . The media across the world reported the verdict and gloated about it . The Bit...
  26. GOD

    Unexplained phenomenen

    Lets talk about the subject in detail . Do they exist ? What phenomenen ? Have you ever experienced any ? Dont be shy but be prepaired to have people disagree on some things and / or be sceptical .
  27. GOD

    The worst TV series ever ?

    Anyone who says Doctor Who or Startrek gets castrated..........
  28. GOD

    How big is the universe ?

    Its 13.7 billion years old , nothing is faster than the speed of light = its radius can only be 13.7 billion light years .
  29. GOD

    Are all smokers junkys ?

    I think cigarets are for stinking , stupid ,vain , asocial , weak , junky shit heads and if they werent already gassing themselves i`d gas them .
  30. GOD

    Bending laser beams

    "Scientists Learn How to 'Bend' Lasers . The find could be used to "direct" lightning . Laser experiments are yielding more and more surprising results Experts from the University of Arizona in Tuscon (UAT) have managed a breakthrough in laser technology, as they have invented laser beams...
  31. GOD

    ‘Harry Potter’ Star Arrested for Cannabis

    ‘Harry Potter’ Star Waylett Arrested for Cannabis Bedroom Farm .19 year old actor is currently in custody Jamie Waylett arrested for possession and production of a class B drug Jamie Waylett, famous as the bullying Hogwarts School pupil Vincent Crabbe in the Harry Potter films, has just been...
  32. GOD

    Why Legalizing Marijuana Makes Sense

    http://www.time.com/time/nation/article ... 21,00.html Thursday, Apr. 02, 2009 "Why Legalizing Marijuana Makes Sense For the past several years, I've been harboring a fantasy, a last political crusade for the baby-boom generation. We, who started on the path of righteousness, marching for...
  33. GOD

    Does Ashley Biden use coke ?

    "Vice presidentss daughter, Ashley Biden, caught in cocaine scandal ? DC lawyer tries to sell 43-minute tape to the highest bidder .The tape allegedly showing VP’s daughter Ashley Biden doing drugs is making the rounds Ashley Biden, the daughter of Vice President Joe Biden, is now caught in...
  34. GOD

    Fear , Ego , Dishonesty , Vanity

    These are things that every person has and things that come up when one uses drugs or is a real psychonaut . Have you had or are you haveing issues with those things ? What issues ? How do you deal with them ?
  35. GOD


    What do you think about people being frozen so that they might be reanimated later ? What do you think of the firms that offer it ? Would you do it ? Does it work ? What are the problems ?
  36. GOD

    Elvis.....You seen them?

    Well what can I else can I call those little cross-dimensional creatures? I've seen them, and there seems to be a big difference in them. Some are offensive, some are just curious, and some fuck your head up. I only percieve them when I tune my perception to a certain state of mind. Like tuning...
  37. GOD

    Fish Contaminated with Drugs

    Residues have been found in animals on both coasts Fish arund the US are infected with traces of numerous pharmaceutical products Health inspectors analyzing fish caught in five locations around the US have just made a terrifying find most of the animals are infected with pharmaceutical...
  38. GOD

    Read the paper

    Something to read for an hour . Check all the articles and links to . http://www.nytimes-se.com/
  39. GOD

    Salvia Info

    http://rapidshare.com/files/209679309/b ... sdzfdj.rar The password to open the file is :- pojhgulkseghfhjerwzfmdh
  40. GOD

    Marijuana Inc:

    "Marijuana Inc: Inside America's Pot Industry Video Documentary While it may not be traded on Wall Street any time soon, marijuana has become a booming cash crop. CNBC's Trish Regan goes behind the scenes to explore the inner workings of this secretive industry, focusing on Northern...
  41. GOD

    Where is Wotsit ?

    Hey Wotsit , come out come out where ever you arent . Or have you been promoted and the mothership has come and picked you up ? I for one am missing you ...... well most of you . Life isnt so interesting without you . So wash your hands and beam yourself back here again . If your dead please...
  42. GOD

    Get thee behind me nazis

    I`ve just been watching "Where in the world is Osama Bin Laden" from Morgan Spurlock and as Allah will it just answered all the questions , lies and poison that the site nazis have been spreading here lately . Its definately worth watching and explains the roots of the problems that the world is...
  43. GOD

    The best TV series ever

    1 :- Whats the best TV series youve ever seen ? 2 :- If you were forced to watch one series for the rest of your life what would it be ? 3 :- List the best 5 TV series youve ever seen . I`ll start . 1 :- Dr.Who 2 :- Dr.Who 3 :- 1 :- Dr. Who 2 :- StarTrek 3 :- Babylon 5 4 :-...
  44. GOD

    The worst bands in the world

    Which bands do you think are the worst in the world ? I`ll start with :- U2
  45. GOD

    Marijuana Legalization Bill

    Assemblyman Tom Ammiano's press conference this morning announcing his marijuana-legalization bill started punctually and stayed relentlessly on-point -- thereby denying a barb to every journalist present. Ammiano and the assembled speakers at San Francisco's State Building also spoke calmly and...
  46. GOD


    Whos got what to say ? Whos got questions ?
  47. GOD

    Google Earth May Have Found Atlantis

    Google Earth May Have Found Atlantis The company officially denies it though This pattern is believed to be that of the ruins of the lost city of Atlantis A British aeronautical engineer, who by all accounts had too much time on his hands, discovered what could be the most important finding...
  48. GOD

    Internet security

    Are you concerned about your safety in the internet ? What do you do about it ? How do you secure yourself ? What programs and methods do you use ? Have you got any tips ? And / or thoughts on the subject ?
  49. GOD

    Chemical in Cannabis Helps Cells Grow

    Chemical in Cannabis Helps Cells Grow Not all of its active ingredients are fully understood Some substances in cannabis are actually beneficial to the human body The fact that cannabis is forbidden in most countries is only a recent event. In the past, starting centuries ago, people...
  50. GOD

    How to Get Emotional Self-Control

    How to Get Emotional Self-Control Simply speak your mind, scientists say People who voice their feelings simply have more control over their emotions Over the past few years, brain experts have come to realize that the thing most praised by poets and songwriters, namely the voicing of...
  51. GOD

    Scientists Develop Pill to Erase Bad Memories

    Scientists Develop Pill to Erase Bad Memories Critics say its use could ruin our very personality Scientists come one step closer to developing pill to erase painful memories Pills that act on the brain and erase bad memories have been the topic of science-fiction movies and books for...
  52. GOD

    Pace of Climate Change Exceeds Estimates

    "The pace of global warming is likely to be much faster than recent predictions, because industrial greenhouse gas emissions have increased more quickly than expected and higher temperatures are triggering self-reinforcing feedback mechanisms in global ecosystems, scientists said Saturday. "We...
  53. GOD

    If you had atomic weapons

    If you had atomic weapons what would you do ? Would you use them or not ? If yes how ? Where ? When ? What targets would you choose ? In what order ?
  54. GOD

    If you were GOD

    If you were GOD what would you do ? Would you save the planet or fry it ? Would you save inhumanity or burn the fuckers ? What would and wouldnt you do ?
  55. GOD

    Medical cannabis buds in Germany

    In Germany it is now possible to get cannabis buds from the Dutch health service from chemists since the middle of february . 7 patients get it up till now . The problems that are allowed to be treated in Germany with cannabis buds are chronic pain , multiple sklerosis , tourette-Syndrom or...
  56. GOD

    Mental dwarfs corner

    This thread is for the people who have something against me and / or dont like me to say what they think and why . The idea was sugested by a member . I opened it as i dont mind sitting on the hot stool and love laughing . Up till now i`ve been told here that i`m a snitch , an informer , an...
  57. GOD

    Dutch rasist banned from entering the UK

    The dutch mp and internationaly known rasist geert wilders has been banned from entering the UK because of him spreading rasist propoganda says the BBC world service .
  58. GOD

    Ecstasy Is Not as Damaging as Predicted

    A new study clears up the long-term effects More than twenty years ago, a large number of teens worldwide was experimenting with the effects of one of the most potent drugs on the market. Commonly known as ecstasy, this substance was at the time said to induce a batch of nasty and serious side...
  59. GOD

    Is 2012 between 2169 and 2199

    An asteroid could hit the earth in 160 years .It was discovered more than a decade ago and is so large that it even has a satellite orbiting it Astronomers in Italy have determined that our society could be at risk of getting seriously damaged by a potential impact between our planet and an...
  60. GOD

    The latest news from MAPS

    1. Congress and Professor Craker Respond to Bush Administration and DEAs Obstruction of Scientific Freedom: On January 30, 2009, lawyers for Professor Lyle Craker filed a motion of reconsideration in response to the Drug Enforcement Administrations (DEA) final ruling, which was the Bush...
  61. GOD

    Problems with coke ?

    If anyone has problems with coke like you , governments , pigs or anyone else , in no mater what quantitys , i can destroy it all for you very quickly and cheeply ....... What do you think about coke ? Have you ever had any problems with it ? Or do you know anyone who has had problems with it...
  62. GOD

    Ritalin and Cocaine Have Identical Effects on the Brain

    New scientific studies bring about a new wave of concern about the safety of commonly-used drugs, as it seems that, oftentimes, their effect on the brain is not fully understood. For example, a recent investigation shows that Ritalin, a drug prescribed millions of times per year in the United...
  63. GOD

    Flying Saucers

    Researcher Designs Plasma Propelled Flying Saucer - Flying saucers could become reality in a few years Flying saucers may no longer be considered UFOs Flying saucers have fascinated people for years and the hundreds of thousands of UFO sightings reported during the past decades have done a...
  64. GOD

    I am an alien intelligence

    DNA and RNA Came from Space - Researchers find nucleobases in meteorite fragment For some reason or another, all of us like to believe that Earth is special - after all, our planet is the only one able to sustain life that we know of. Indeed, Earth is special in its own way, but life would not...
  65. GOD


    For those who want to live in a fantasy world and / or have weak nerves DONT READ ANY FURTHER . I don`t want to argue , or hurt anyone i just want to clear things up . This is not directed at anyone personaly , its directed to all the gulable people out there who have heard all the modern new...
  66. GOD

    How did you find this site .

    How did you find this site . Please tell us more about why and how you came here . Please tell us why you dont post so much if you dont . Please tell us what you like about the site and what you dont .
  67. GOD

    Japan Uses Acoustic Weapons Against Sea Shepherd

    Japan Uses Acoustic Weapons Against Sea Shepherd The group says the devices are military-grade Activists from the Sea Shepherd environmental anti-whaling group are under intense pressure from the Japanese whaling fleet to discontinue their bid to stop them, Paul Watson, the leader of the...
  68. GOD

    Tips for trips

    Please give tips for trips here . Please keep it short and sweet and please no blah blah . If you havent got anything to say say it in another thread and dont ruin this one . If anyone has questions please ask here . First tips :- Relax and whatever hapens dont take it seriously just laugh ...
  69. GOD

    Teen Media Exposure Causes Depression in Adulthood

    Prolonged exposure to TV in teens can make them depressed when they grow up Teenagers who spend a lot of time in front of the TV or under the influence of other mass-media outlets are very likely to develop symptoms related to depression early in their adult life, a new study finds. As a...
  70. GOD

    Socially-Active Teens More Likely to Smoke Pot

    Socially-Active Teens More Likely to Smoke Pot especially if they go out with many friends Teenagers who go out a lot, with many friends at once, are more likely to start smoking cannabis A new scientific report, published in the February issue of the journal Archives of Pediatrics &...
  71. GOD


    What do you think about them ? Do you use them ? What and why ? What are the dangers if any ? Is it true that if daily used they can make mentaly confused ? Why should anyone use them ? Why shouldnt people use them ? Is it all bullshit , esoteric propoganda and / or sales talk for and from blind...
  72. GOD

    Freedom of speach

    Should there be legal and social limits to absolute freedom of speach ? Should rasists and other sick bastards be allowed to spread their poison disguised as freedom of speach ? Is it abuse of this forum when sick bastards use it to spread verbal poison ?
  73. GOD

    Danger of rasists!

    What do you think about rasists and rasism ? Have you any explenations for it / them ? Why they are like that ? Why it happens ?
  74. GOD

    Catch 22

    Have you ever had experiences like that ? If so tell us about it . Here is my offering . I went to the bank on thursday , friday and saterday and they wont give me my money untill monday . They also said that they want to see a passport on monday and refuse to accept any other legal identity...
  75. GOD

    R.U.Sirius section

    Post wierd news storys and your comment about them here please . Same-Gender Penguins Married in Official Ceremony The two males are the best parents in a Chinese zoo Two somewhat troubled penguins at a Chinese zoo drew international attention on the place with their almost-nightly...
  76. GOD

    2 Questions about helping the site

    I know that the site costs a lot of money at the moment because of maintenance , server fees and repairs because of the software problems wich comes mainly from the site owners pockets and wanted to ask if i click on the advertisments does it help bring a little revenue ? I allso wanted to ask...
  77. GOD

    Physics proves itself to be wrong ?

    OK , we all know that i`m thick so can anyone explain this to me , please . 1 :- Physics is based on action / reaction , cause and effect ? 2 :- The big bang ( i prefer to call it the universal fuck or GODS orgasm or cosmic fart ) happened causing time / space to exist , matter to form , and...
  78. GOD

    Whats your favorit sandwich ?

    At the moment i`m eating one with peanut butter and dryed fryed onions with a massive dollop of tzatziki on top . I`m so tired i keep missing my mouth and its falling on the floor where i am eating it off . Up till now i had thought that the tiles were beige ........ maybe that adds to and...
  79. GOD


    Can anyone help please ? I have a video that i want to upload to youtube . Its of a debate in the german parlament where they are talking about cannabis . I opened an acount , wich took hours and loads of trys . I think they didnt like my chosen pass word wich was "Fuck youtube" and then i...
  80. GOD

    Cannabis law change comes into force in UK

    "Anyone caught smoking cannabis could now get five years in jail after the government increased the punishment for getting hold of the drug. Gordon Brown has pushed through plans to return cannabis to its class B status, five years after Tony Blair downgraded it to class C. The decision was...
  81. GOD

    The Brain Can Hold Memories in Single Cells

    Neurons in regions of the frontal cortex can store bits of memory for up to a minute Scientists at the UT Southwestern Medical Center have discovered that brain cells in the frontal cortex can store trace amounts of memories on their own, for as long as an entire minute. The study, which will...
  82. GOD

    Some ADHD Medication Cause Hallucinations

    The conclusion belongs to a governmental report Adderall XR is one of the medications used to treat ADHD. Incidentally, it causes hallucinations of worms and other critters. According to a new report released by US health authorities on Monday, children taking drugs designed to keep their...
  83. GOD

    Obama to Stop Bush's Climate Proposals

    The ex-president made a mockery of the environment President Obama is ushering in a new dawn for environmental awareness and action In an anticipated and highly-expected move, president Barack Obama has gone after some of the latest climate proposals that former president George W. Bush tried...
  84. GOD

    Medical cannabis in Germany

    In Germany patients are now getting cannabis from the Dutch medical cannabis program . If you can read German take a look here :- http://www.cannabis-med.org/german/nav/ ... lletin.htm
  85. GOD

    Esoteric section

    Please post interesting esoteric info / facts here . I shall start off ---------> Goat Arrested for Armed Robbery in Nigeria The thief allegedly turned into a goat At first glance, goats don't appear to be the violent type A number of vigilantes came at the police station carrying the goat...
  86. GOD

    Swearing thread

    Does anyone know or can shed any light on the conected words swearing , cursing , bad language and the meaning of them conected with saying things like fuck , bastard , cunt , shit , tits , piss or any other words like that please ? Where does the conection come from ? and how can words be bad ...
  87. GOD

    Obama and legalisation

    Obamas team have opened an online wish list for US citizens . The first wish on that list is for cannabis legalisation ...... with 90000 votes . http://citizensbriefingbook.change.gov/ideas/
  88. GOD

    Werewolf Tells His Story

    Porphyria is believed to be at the roots of the werewolf and vampire myths We are often told that werewolves and vampires are only imaginary beings that make certain movies as great as they are. However, it could be that the appearance of both mythological killers is deeply connected in our own...
  89. GOD

    Esoterics section ?

    There have been sugestions that there should be an esoteric section . What do you all think ? I mean one to talk about things and not one where people can preach their views as fact with a censor that dictates that any critisism is banned . TRhis is not a nursery school where confused people...
  90. GOD

    Off topic

    Personaly i dont believe in off topic . If someone goes off topic one doesnt have to go with him . One can just carry on talking as if it haddnt happened . Trying to impose on topic is the first step to controll and censorship to me . Whos going to judge ? To what standards . Lets be big boys...
  91. GOD

    Viva Obama

    If you can get the Obama concert on TV watch it its on NOW . Its one of those ocasions that only come once in a life time and probably only once in the world . I`ve got tears running down my cheeks again . This is the sign of hope that i`ve been waiting for all my life .
  92. GOD

    Sources of rational alternative information

    Have you got any rational sources ? It doesnt have to be political just about rational information . Knowledge is power . http://www.neilyoung.com/lwwtoday/lwwvideomenu.html http://www.neilyoung.com/lwwtoday/
  93. GOD

    Can i have a tumor please ?

    Old Soviet Nuclear Satellite Spills Debris One of the most long-lasting satellites that the Soviet Union placed into orbit some 21 years ago has now started acting up, spilling a trace of unidentified substances along its orbit, American observatories report. The January issue of the journal...
  94. GOD

    God vs Science

    The Never-Ending Conflict The two have always been at odds The Sun was mankind's first god. When it was understood, it was abandoned. The fact that the Church and scientists have been in opposition for at least the last 400 years has seeded into our minds the fact that the two have to be...
  95. GOD

    Just another 6 pack ?

    Good that the world is safe from terrorists . http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4628643n
  96. GOD

    Life on mars ?

    Ahuaeynjxs you are not alone . Nasa has just said that they have detected plumes of methan gas in the mars atmosphere coming out of holes in the ground . This could mean that alien life does exist .. Has anyone got any links or info ?
  97. GOD

    Googleing the planet to death

    The web produces more CO2 than the air industry and two google searches uses the same energy as boiling a kettel of water . http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/01/11/ar ... at-a-time/ http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol ... 489134.ece http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/01/ ... earch.html
  98. GOD

    What did you get for christmas ?

    What did you get and what did you buy yourself . Did you have any SPECIAL drugs for christmas ? Go to any good music events ? Do anything realy cool ?
  99. GOD

    Dodgy Partys

    I like dodgy partys . Whats a dodgy party ? I supose everyone has their own definition . I mean exotic ones . Not the normal cocktail party . Partrys like the freakers ball . But where there is no having to do anything . If you want to OK , if not OK . I like it when all colours , all cultures ...
  100. GOD

    The holocaust

    In the last few days the neo-nazi religious fundaMENTAList insergents have murdered more than 1000 inocent people in palastine . You werent alive when the nazis tried to wipe out the jews . You dont have to have a guilty conscience , you couldnt stop it . WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO TELL YOUR KIDS...