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Résultats de la recherche

  1. Mrboxey

    Happy New YEAR!

    Well, We are hours away from another new year... How is everyone feeling? Do you think this year was better than last? Why? Do you think you have achieved what you set out to achieve last year? Do you actually make resolutions? What are your resolutions for this coming year?
  2. Mrboxey

    Funny Rant... F*** My Job

    So this is pretty funny... LOL... Guess who it is :D
  3. Mrboxey

    Wohoo... Come out 2012 people... 8 days till doomsday....

    Alright, so 2012... It might be on your mind... It might not... Either way, we'll find out in about 8 days... 8 days until the end of the world... Or 8 days until major disappointment/relief... LOL I admit, this year has passed by really fast, and there have certainly been some odd things...
  4. Mrboxey

    One World Government: Possible?

    You know, I have been hearing a lot about the NWO, and the goal of one world government, some people even go as far to say as the one world government will be run by the UN. I don't know, I think that while communications, and methods of control and monitoring have improved drastically over...
  5. Mrboxey

    Tripping for the Holidays:

    Alright, so the holidays are just around the corner... And I was wondering which is better you think... Just smoke cannabis now and then, or make a bunch of edibles and just sort of go with the flow for a straight 4 days? Anyone have any thoughts/opinions on this? It certainly is a time for...
  6. Mrboxey

    Best Strain?

    What's the best strain you have ever tried? I would have to say for flavor for me it's a toss up between Californian Orange, BubbleGum, and Lemon Haze. For effect, I would have to say BC Bud, followed by Purple Haze and White Widow... What about you guys? Favorite strains?
  7. Mrboxey

    Anus Game: It's Fun I promise!

    Ok, so this is a game we all used to play as kids.. (Get your mind outta the gutter, it ain't like that!) So what you do, is you take the name of a movie, group, TV show, series, song or whatever, and replace one word in the title with the Word "Anus". And Hilarity ensues! For example: My...
  8. Mrboxey

    The effects of Cannabis on your Dreams?

    Does anyone here notice how if you are stoned or high, your dreams become a lot more real and vibrant? I have had a few experiences where I could have sworn the experience felt just like real life.. Now, on the other hand of this, when I wake up from my normal dreams, I very rarely get the...
  9. Mrboxey

    Perfect recipe for Pot Brownies?

    So, the holidays are fast approaching and I love the fact that we can have some pot brownies and enjoy them at parties... Has anyone got any really good recipes for pot brownies? I have been looking around, but I'm looking for something new and exciting, any help would be greatly...
  10. Mrboxey


    Am I the only one that is waiting on this latest installment of the GTA series? I can't wait for this game to come out, I can see many wasted weekend hours already :D They have really improved the graphics, and have added some additional modes that are being kept secret until the launch...
  11. Mrboxey

    Hello Everybody!

    Just wanted to shout out some greets! I think this is going to be a great place to hang out. Let me give a bit of background: I'm Canadian, but I live in Central America (Nicaragua). Love it down here cause no one rags on me about anything. :D That and I can't stand the snow! I'm 26, and...