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Le forum des amateur·ices de drogues et de l'exploration de l'esprit

Résultats de la recherche

  1. C

    Entheogens of Antiquity: The Golden Apples of Immortality

    This article was written by Scott Teitsworth - author of Krishna in the Sky with Diamonds - and appeared in the PsypressUK 2013: Anthology of Pharmacography. PsypressUK 2014 is out now and available here: PsypressUK 2014 I recently discovered a fascinating connection between ancient Indian and...
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    Principia Discordia

    Anyone here familiar with the Principia Discordia? http://www.principiadiscordia.com/ "The time has come for people to start thinking for themselves. Towing other people’s lines and doing other peoples bidding has not worked so far. In fact, it's getting hard to avoid noticing just how...
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    The Eleusinian Mysteries

    "After having acquired all which it was possible for him to learn of the Greek philosophers and, presumably, become an initiate in the Eleusinian mysteries, Pythagoras went to Egypt, and after many rebuffs and refusals, finally succeeded in securing initiation in the Mysteries of Isis...
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    RT Breaking the Set - interview with Alex and Allyson Grey

    "On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin calls out the Foreign Policy Initiative or FPI, a DC neocon think tank that rose out of the ashes of PNAC. Abby discusses the real motivation behind their recent attacks against the credibility of Breaking the Set; advocating for a revival of...
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    Psychonautdocs.com - Documents for serious Psychonauts

    This is a great collection of research papers, videos, podcasts and websites related to transpersonal psychology and psychedelic therapy: Documents for serious Psychonauts PDF Files: A Review of Transpersonal Theory and Its Application to the Practice of Psychotherapy...
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    Piratenpartij: geef cannabisteelt vrij

    Piratenpartij: geef cannabisteelt vrij om criminaliteit te stoppen en banen te creëren. Tegen beter weten in blijft Nederland vasthouden aan een streng drugsbeleid. Dit is een aanpak die bewezen niet werkt en de maatschappij veel geld kost. De Piratenpartij ziet een goed alternatief in het...
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    CM here

    Greetings psychonauts! Boy, it's been a while: almost five years since I frequented this forum. I've lived in different places since then, studied different philosophies, and seen my children (now 12 and 14) transform into amazingly talented and perceptive individuals. I have made new friends...
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    Stan Grof - The Transpersonal Vision (audiobook)

    The following is the playlist of 27 video's I uploaded recently, featuring approximately four and a half hours of the audiobook "The Transpersonal Vision", read by the author and co-founder of transpersonal psychology, Stanislav Grof. The images (waving trees, passing clouds and some animals)...
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    A Santo Daime experience on acid...

    The following is my report of the trip I had the day before yesterday, Thursday, September 17 2009. The blotters were of unknown strength, but on the basis of a previous experiment with three blotters, I figured they were between 50 and 70 ug each. So everything went as planned. In the morning...
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    a San Pedro recipe

    Cut the San Pedro into pieces, but don't bother to remove the stem or thorns. Boil some water and add the pieces. Add water every now and then, continuing to cook everything until it turns into a mush (may take several hours). Condense the mush (it doesn't burn easily, but be careful), and...
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    Man receives $63,000 for falling into K-hole

    I almost posted this as a news article, but then noticed it's more than two years old. Still kinda funny, so decided to post it here. Damages set at $63,000 in drug mishap The Vancouver Sun - April 12, 2007 A Campbell River man has received $63,000 in damages for an "out-of-body experience"...
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    Jack Herer suffers heart attack

    Author Jack Herer had a heart attack Saturday, after a fiery speech at the Portland Hempstalk Event at Kelly Point Park. He's in critical condition after being operated on for several hours last night and is not awake at this time (September 13).
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    Blotter Art

    Blotter Art: The Institute of Illegal Images Interview by Rak Razam Mark McCloud is the Doctor Strange of the art world. Most days he can be found pottering about in his Sanctum Sanctorium, up on the top floor of his old Victorian house in the Mission district of San Francisco, a curio...
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    Marijuana dispensaries raided

    Marijuana dispensaries raided countywide At least three locations targeted in North County "It's a hate crime against the sick and dying..." www.nctimes.com - Law enforcement authorities raided a number of medical marijuana dispensaries ---- one official put the number at 13 ---- in San...
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    Verkoop wiet verboden in Roosendaal en BoZ

    Verbod verkoop wiet onafwendbaar De burgemeesters van Roosendaal en Bergen op Zoom zijn niet bang dat het verkoopverbod van drugs teruggedraaid moet worden. 10 september 2009 - www.bndestem.nl Roosendaal en Bergen op Zoom houden vast aan het besluit om de wietverkoop in coffeeshops te...
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    Long lasting effects of LSD

    Long Lasting Effects Of LSD On Certain Attitudes In Normals An Experimental Proposal William H. McGlothlin The Rand Corporation, May 1962 http://www.rand.org/pubs/papers/2006/P2575.pdf
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    Kabinet wil coffeeshops blijven gedogen

    Positieve geluiden... nu.nl DEN HAAG - Het kabinet wil het gedoogbeleid voor softdrugs handhaven. Coffeeshops blijven bestaan, maar mogen geen toeristische trekpleister meer zijn. Het kabinet wil dat kleinere coffeeshops straks de lokale markt met een beperkte klantenkring bedienen...
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    Metro News: Is cannabis really a culprit?

    Hurray! Yesterday I sent an email to the Metro newspaper, and it was published! This newspaper is read by approximately 1.867.000 people. :D The online version of today's edition can be found here: http://www.readmetro.com/editions.php?lang=en Dutch folks, it's on page 8 ("Opinions"), below...
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    America defeated in its 40-year war on drugs

    Is America ready to admit defeat in its 40-year war on drugs? A wave of decriminalisation is sweeping through Latin America The Observer, Sunday 6 September 2009 Bruno Avangera, a 40-year-old web designer from Tucumán in Argentina, pauses to relight a half-smoked joint of cannabis. Then he...
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    Make your own radish mushroom!

    A bit silly, but I like both radishes and mushrooms, so here it goes... From: How To Make a Radish Mushroom What you need: - radish - seaweed (for Mario mushroom) – small fruit knife 1. Put a knife in the middle of a radish, and make a small incision. 2-a. Hold the radish, and spin the...
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    September 18: movie night in Amsterdam

    You're all invited! :weedman: Note: Lots of forum members will come, so be there! :D
  22. C

    $52.3 billion spent each year, 15,223 dead

    A Radical Solution to End the Drug War: Legalize Everything One cop straight out of The Wire crunches the numbers with Esquire.com's political columnist to discover that America's prohibition of narcotics may be costing more lives than Mexico's — and nearly enough dollars for universal health...
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    Geert Wilders heeft Indische (haar)wortels

    Opmerkelijk... Uit: De Groene Amsterdammer Geert Wilders stamt van moederskant af van een Nederlands-Indisch voorgeslacht, zo blijkt uit genealogisch onderzoek. Volgens dr. Lizzy van Leeuwen, specialist in Nederlands postkoloniale geschiedenis, heeft Wilders’ Indische familiegeschiedenis grote...
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    I've been noticing this weird phenomenon: when I'm looking at a TV program and it's about a certain subject, the TV programs on the adjacent channels tend to be about the same subject or in some way meaningfully related. I first noticed it when I was sometimes trying to avoid the advertisements...
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    the lyrics thread

    I love lyrics. Funny lyrics, silly lyrics, thoughtful lyrics, cryptic lyrics, mysterious lyrics, angry lyrics, poetic lyrics... What are some of your favorite lyrics? Post single lines, fragments or the whole thing, with or without a YouTube link. I'll start off with one that has no meaning...
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    GroenLinks: 'recht op roes' in uitgaansleven

    Parool.nl AMSTERDAM - Onder het motto 'recht op roes' moet Amsterdam een veel liberaler drugsbeleid krijgen. Dit bepleit de Amsterdamse afdeling van GroenLinks in haar conceptverkiezingsprogramma. De partij wil dat de gemeente een wietplantage opzet, die levert aan coffeeshops in de stad...
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    Anonieme tiplijn ter bestrijding van wietplantages

    Energiemaatschappijen binden strijd aan met misbruik ARNHEM - De Nederlandse energiemaatschappijen gaan intensief samenwerken met de nationale tiplijn Meld Misdaad Anoniem (M) om het stroommisbruik voor wietplantages tegen te gaan. Directeur Guus Wesselink van M heeft maandag een bericht...
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    Pot may protect brain from booze

    Brain Scans Show Less Damage Marijuana may protect the brain from some of the damage caused by binge drinking, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of California San Diego performed brain scans on 16- to 19-year-olds in three groups: binge drinkers, binge drinkers who also...
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    Therapeutic use of psychedelics

    LSD in Psychedelic Science - This documentary examines the many potential therapeutic aspects of LSD and other psychedelic compounds, such as DMT (in ayahuasca) and ibogaine, and explores the potential use of psychedelics in areas such as psychotherapy, creativity enhancement, and in the...
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    Peru police seize cocaine sewn inside live turkeys

    LIMA — Peruvian police expecting to find a shipment of cocaine hidden in a crate holding two live turkeys were surprised to discover the drug surgically implanted inside the birds. Acting on a tip, officers stopped a Turismo Ejecutivo SRL bus outside the city of Tarapoto in the central jungle...
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    It's Time to Legalize Drugs

    By Peter Moskos and Stanford "Neill" Franklin Monday, August 17, 2009 The Washinton Post Undercover Baltimore police officer Dante Arthur was doing what he does well, arresting drug dealers, when he approached a group in January. What he didn't know was that one of suspects knew from a...
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    Unsolved Issues

    EDIT AND DISCLAIMER BY RESTIN: I chose this post as a first post NOT BECAUSE I CLAIM THAT CM STARTED IT ALL but because GOD's first post was at least partially on-topic. I will quote GOD's first 2 topics into this post. It seemed like the most logical solution for me. There are references in...
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    Brief history of weed

    I hope this hasn't been posted already: A brief history of weed
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    LSA -> LSH

    Supposedly when you use peppermint oil tea to extract LSA seeds, the LSA converts to LSH, which comes much closer to LSD than LSA does. Anyone heard of this or tried it? Here are two recipes: And: I was waiting for this information for a long time! Too bad I didn't grow Morning Glory this year.
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    Erik Davis on Progressive Radio

    Erik Davis, a social historian, cultural critic, essayist and lecturer, whose website is techgnosis.com, is hosting a show at Progressive Radio, the first few episodes of which are available for download at Erik's Expanding Mind blog. Of special interest are the last two (both approximately one...
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    Dr.Reefer's billboard down

    A controversial billboard is now gone from a busy part of the southern I-215 Beltway after it received lots of complaints. The billboard advertised the services of Dr. Reefer, a man who promised to help people get prescriptions for medical marijuana. Possessing a limited amount of marijuana for...
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    Chauffeurs high na snoepen van choco-LSD

    Gepubliceerd op 06 juli 2009 Op het Spaanse eiland Ibiza is een Nederlandse drugshandelaar opgepakt. Het gaat om de 44-jarige Tjalling van K.V. Dat meldt de NOS. Tjalling van K.V woont al acht jaar op het eiland en is daar bekend onder de naam Carlos. De Spaanse politie ontdekte afgelopen week...
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    Kevin Spacey as pot smoking shrink

    Kevin Spacey Is the Latest Pot-Puffing Shrink to Hit the Movie Screens Why Is This a Trend? Hollywood shrink characters increasingly take mind-expanding drugs; a reflection of the growing use of psychedelics in medical research. By Ellen Komp, AlterNet. Posted July 15, 2009 There's quite a...
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    Elephant self-portrait

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    Use of drugs in Amsterdam night clubs decreasing

    Drugs in clubs on the decline, alcohol use the same In nightclubs in Amsterdam usage of drugs has decreased significantly over the past five years. That's the conclusion of the University of Amsterdam, which (on behalf of the Dutch Jellinek Institute for Addiction Research) has kept track of...
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    Paddotijd, deel 3

    "We hadden de zeven bovengenoemde punten in acht genomen en we togen met mijn zelf gemaakte paddoreep naar een stil plekje in het bos. De reep smaakte erg lekker en behalve een aangenaam geknisper was er niets van de toegevoegde paddo's te merken. Op basis van het gewicht en de soort had ik voor...
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    vanavond op TV: Pick of Destiny

    Voor de fans van Jack Black / Tenacious D: vanavond om 20:00 op Comedy Central. Ik heb hem zelf nog niet gezien, alleen die bekende shroom scene. Heb hem ook nooit kunnen vinden bij een videotheek, maar nu dan opeens op TV! :D
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    forging community through visionary art

    Anybody heard of this before? Evolver Intensives What Would It Be Like To Live a Life of Unbridled Creativity and Community? Your creativity is your birthright. Your ability to connect with others, human-to-human, is your birthright. Yet both your natural, joyful creativity and your...
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    Rehabilitation center for monkeys

    Indian school for rogue monkeys Wildlife officials in India plan to build a special school to improve the behaviour of delinquent monkeys. They say the aim is to target monkeys that pose a serious threat to people in the state of Punjab. Officials say monkeys are a growing menace in Punjab as...
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    Native American Church sues DEA

    From: DoseNation: Breaking news from Michael A. Glenn, the lawyer for the plaintiffs in this case. Native American Church Sues DEA over Sacramental Use of Cannabis Honolulu, Hawaii - The OKLEVUEHA NATIVE AMERICAN CHURCH OF HAWAII filed for an injunction in Federal Court that would allow its...
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    Chaitanic boot feest in Amsterdam

    Op 8 augustus geeft een kennis van me/ons een bootfeest ("Chaitanic"), met 4 goeie DJ's. Dit zou wel eens een heel leuk feest kunnen gaan worden. Het duurt van 20:30 tot 4:30 of later. De boot vaart in Amsterdam rond en je kunt een paar keer op/afstappen. Er is een binnendek en buitendek (soort...
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    Woensdag 29 juli Psychonaut Meeting?

    Ter gelegenheid van het feit dat we al weer een half jaar geen psychonaut meeting hebben gehad, nodig ik jullie hierbij uit om een dezer dagen langs te komen. Aangezien er tijdens alle weekenden wel een of ander festival is, lijkt het me handig om iets doordeweeks te plannen. Zelf ben ik elke...
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    Salvia and persistent psychosis

    From: http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/166/7/832 To The Editor: Salvia divinorum (salvia) is a sage plant that is easily obtained in the United States. Its active ingredient, Salvinorin A, is a novel and highly selective pure kappa opiate receptor agonist with rapid onset and...
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    A Quest to Heal HIV with Ayahuasca Shamanism

    The following blog was posted by author Robert Tindall at www.roamingthemind.com. A Quest to Heal HIV with Ayahuasca Shamanism During the years that my wife, Susana Bustos, and I have spent studying and training in the Peruvian tradition of vegetalismo, we have come to appreciate the paradoxes...
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    2 more videos uploaded: Erowid and Stan Grof

    From the 2008 World Psychedelic Forum in Basel, Switzerland. Each upload is about 30 minutes long. The Erowid video features a special guest appearance of Sasha Shulgin, who at the time was about to undergo heart surgery. Jon Hanna and Sylvia Thyssen: "What about Erowid?" part 1 Jon Hanna and...
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    Stan Grof versus Rick Strassman on DMT

    Last week I had a short conversation with Rick Strassman, and yesterday with Stanislav Grof. What I found interesting is that Stan doesn't agree with the way he's cited in DMT Spirit Molecule, and that the experiencing of cosmic unity through smoking of DMT (rather than interaction with...
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    "Psychologie van de toekomst"

    Al een paar dagen loop ik met het idee rond om een boek te gaan vertalen. Een aantal mensen hadden me namelijk laten weten dat het taalgebruik van Stanislav Grof moeilijk te volgen is. Gisteren vond ik bij het opruimen van mijn oma's huis een Engels-Nederlands woordenboek terug die ik precies...
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    Stoned wallabies make crop circles

    From: news.bbc.co.uk The great crop circle mystery in Tasmania has been solved. Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop circles as they hop around "as high as a kite", a government official has said. Lara Giddings, the attorney general for the island state of...
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    Aliens, Psychedelics and the Transcendent

    From www.outtherabbithole.com: Aliens, Psychedelics and the Transcendent: Interview with DMT Researcher Rick Strassman In the 1990s, researcher Rick Strassman conducted government-sanctioned experiments where human volunteers were given DMT — one of the most powerful and bizarre hallucinogens...
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    Gefeliciteerd Heartcore en Maxi!!

    Ik las dat het allemaal heel snel verlopen is. Wat een geluk! En tof dat Heartcore aanwezig kon zijn! Van harte gefeliciteerd met jullie gezonde dochter! Ik ben echt superblij voor jullie. Wows! :D
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    High School Teen Accepts Penalty for Marijuana Speech

    Ian Barry says he wasn't trying to be a martyr when he lit a marijuana joint this week at Peninsula High School in Gig Harbor, nor was he trying to pull a stunt. Simply put, the 17-year-old junior wanted to drive home the message of his persuasive essay: Marijuana doesn't deserve its negative...
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    Cop accuses colleagues of waterboarding pot suspects

    [b:2zpbr0qd]Six members of London’s metropolitan police force are the focus of a criminal investigation after a corruption probe revealed allegations by a serving officer that detectives waterboarded suspects allegedly caught with a “large amount
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    Verslagje van een geslaagde trip

    Gister om 13:00 drie zegeltjes ingenomen, helaas van onbekende potentie. Het was inmiddels al weer een half jaar geleden dat ik een psychedelicum ingenomen had. Gedurende de hele trip eigenlijk voornamelijk naar drie artiesten geluisterd: Steve Roach, Alio Die en Suns of Arqa, waarvan de...
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    Top Anti-Drug Researcher Changes His Mind

    Top Anti-Drug Researcher Changes His Mind, Says Legalize Marijuana www.StopTheDrugWar.com For 30 years, Donald Tashkin has studied the effects of marijuana on lung function. His work has been funded by the vehemently anti-marijuana National Institute on Drug Abuse, which has long sought to...
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    Ketamine and bladder problems

    'Worrying Link' Between Ketamine Use And Severe Bladder Problems www.medicalnewstoday.com Medical experts have warned of a "worrying link" between ketamine use and serious bladder and kidney problems. The recreational use of ketamine - an anaesthetic commonly used by vets - has increased in...
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    What was your birth like?

    I wonder if there's any relationship between type of birth and the tendency to become a psychonaut, or having particular character traits and physical or psychological anomalies. My own story: I was the youngest of three children. The delivery of my oldest brother had been extremely painful for...
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    Video: Christian Rätsch on the proper use of magic mushroom

    Thanks to Restin for the translation from German. English subtitles have now been uploaded. This short video features Christian Rätsch, author of The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants, at the World Psychedelic Forum 2008 in Basel, Switzerland, talking about the proper way to take magic...
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    Stan Grof's LSD Psychotherapy

    Below are some passages from LSD Psychotherapy by Stanislav Grof (I'm halfway through it now) that I found significant. This made me wonder to what extent psychonauts are really capable of benefiting fully from the "alone in silent darkness" method. Wouldn't the presence of a trusted sitter be...
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    overcoming the fear of breaking through

    It's been several months since I had a psychedelic experience, the last one being in November. And it's been a little more than a year that I did DMT. At that time I tried it about 4 times. All of these experiences took me to the mandala, and one of which (assisted by Mara) took me "through the...
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    Het Waterlog seksdebat

    Ik belandde via een discussie over krakers op een interessante blog. Het Waterlog seksdebat Deel 3: Slow Sex Op zaterdag 5 april 2008 verscheen de korte versie van het Slow Sex Manifest in Trouw. Hieronder de langere versie. Het boek Slow sex: een erotisch beschavingsoffensief, waar het...
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    The dirty fucking hippies...

    The dirty fucking hippies were right!
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    Gardening pics, 2009

    The last two years I grew Nirvana's Shiva, this year I will grow feminized Lemon Skunk, Super Silver Haze and Big Bang, all from Greenhouse Seeds. I put the seeds directly in moist soil on March 19. So far I sowed 5 Lemon Skunk seeds, all of which have germinated, 2 big bangs, one of which has...
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    Legalize drugs to stop violence

    "Legalization is desirable for all drugs, not just marijuana. The health risks of marijuana are lower than those of many other drugs, but that is not the crucial issue. Much of the traffic from Mexico or Colombia is for cocaine, heroin and other drugs, while marijuana production is increasingly...
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    DMT: The Spirit Molecule - new interviews

    Here are 26 snippets from the upcoming DMT documentary: http://www.facebook.com/video/?id=9777532097 Interviews with Stan Grof, Charles Grob, Dave Nichols, Ralph Metzner, Dennis McKenna, Erik Davis, some of the DMT volunteers etc. Only on Facebook it seems...
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    Santo Daime wins court decision!

    On March 18, 2009, a U.S. District Court judge, Owen Panner, found that the U.S. Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) protects the Santo Daime's use of DMT-containing ayahuasca as part of their sincere religious practices. This U.S. District Court (the lowest type of U.S. federal court)...
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    Oregon church wants Ayahuasca legalized

    Members of a Brazilian-based Christian church in Ashland await a decision from U.S. District Court Judge Owen Panner over worshippers' right to drink hallucinogenic tea during services. The Church of the Holy Light of the Queen took the case to federal court under the Religious Freedom...
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    decriminalization in Portugal unquestionable success

    Original article (with hyperlinks) can be found at www.salon.com by Glenn Greenwald The success of drug decriminalization in Portugal In 2001, Portugal became the only EU-member state to decriminalize drugs, a distinction which continues through to the present. Last year, working with the...
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    Financial Times: Switch of focus in US war on drugs

    The US spends $1,400 a second in the war on drugs, according to a recent Harvard study, while the savings and revenue that could be generated by legalising narcotics would equal a 10th of President Barack Obama’s fiscal stimulus plan. With neighbouring Mexico descending towards the status of a...
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    Spaanse Les Trein naar Groningen, deel 1 Trein naar Groningen, deel 2 Rondom Eenzaam De nieuwe aussie van de gabber Kreatief met Kurk - Les 6: Techniek Passie en Adriaan
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    Ron Paul debates Stephen Baldwin on Legalizing Marijuana

    Ron Paul debates Stephen Baldwin on Legalizing Marijuana (March 13, 2009) :idea:
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    Do any of you have experience with polyamory? What are your thoughts about it? It seems to be quite common in communes, and it seems to be quite popular amongst neohippies as well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyamory "Polyamory (from Greek ???
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    The Economist: How to stop the drug wars

    Failed states and failed policies How to stop the drug wars The Economist, March 5th 2009 - A hundred years ago a group of foreign diplomats gathered in Shanghai for the first-ever international effort to ban trade in a narcotic drug. On February 26th 1909 they agreed to set up the...
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    MAPS News - Which is safer: MDMA or peanuts?

    Please read the newsletter here for complete text, with (more) hyperlinks. Dear MAPS Supporters and Friends, We are witnessing a change in our culture as result of the work that MAPS does and our members support. This week, military.com, an online news media outlet wrote an enthusiastic...
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    new version of the MAPS video

    MAPS uploaded a new version of their "Working with difficult psychedelic experiences" two days ago. It's shorter, features another psychiatrist, but still contains the party scene. It went from 24 minutes to a mere 8 minutes, which I think is a good thing. The new version is here: I created...
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    Interview with Bwiti Iboga healer

    Didn't listen to it myself yet, but surely will tonight. http://www.futureprimitive.org/interviews/131
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    We will stop raiding medical marijuana providers...

    At a press conference on Wednesday, Attorney General Eric Holder said his Department of Justice will stop raiding medical marijuana providers in states where it's legal. Holder said, in response to a reporter's question, that "what the president said during the campaign, you'll be surprised to...
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    Alex Grey - Contemporary Visionary Culture (Basel, 2008)

    I've roughly edited and uploaded some footage I still had from the World Psychedelic Forum in Basel last year. "Worldwide there is a movement of art and culture inspired by entheogens. Festivals and rock concerts give sanctuary to tens of thousands taking psychedelics and celebrating tribal...
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    Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

    Today a colleague drew my attention to the following video, which happens to confirm the feelings I've been having lately about the educational system and academics in particular. I'll probably link to this video in some of the discussions that are going on elsewhere on the forum, for I believe...
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    Straf geëist om paddobonbons

    DEN BOSCH - De officier van justitie in Den Bosch heeft tegen de 67-jarige Hans G. uit Beneden Leeuwen dertigduizend euro boete geëist en drie maanden voorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf voor het kweken van hallucinerende paddo’s, die hij verwerkte in bonbons en koekjes. “Door de strengere...
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    Kratom, the new "deadly menace"?

    [Note: it's not clear from this article, but the man was using steroids, proven to cause heart problems when abused, CM] 'UK Must Ban Drug That Helped Kill My Son' The mother of a 30-year-old man from Hatfield, who died after battling an addiction to a herbal supplement he bought online, said...
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    European ban on Kava lifted!

    The ban on Kava (Piper methysticum) in European countries, imposed six years ago has been lifted. It took a 10-day roundtable consultation in Berlin with International Kava Executive Council representatives, Pacific Island ambassadors and European Commission leaders to achieve the breakthrough...
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    Here's another nice blog for y'all to disagree upon. Modern Shamans by Rob Bryanton In The Shaman, we talked about the idea that shamanism deals with hidden forces, spirit worlds, and seeing things the rest of us cannot. From there, we moved to Terence McKenna, one of a great many visionaries...
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    Sigma-1 receptor's endogenous ligand is DMT

    Receptor's Binding Partner Identified Shamans' hallucinogen that is also produced by the body binds to nervous system receptor by Sophie L. Rovner A hallucinogenic compound found in psychoactive snuffs and sacramental teas used in native shamanic rituals in South America has helped elucidate...
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    Nassim Haramein's Unified Field Theory

    About two weeks ago Videlic drew my attention to a video he had read about on another forum, an 8 hour presentation about physics, geometry, fractals and the universal dynamics of reality. It sounded interesting, so I started watching. The first half hour didn't contain much interesting...
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    Pink Floyd

    Set The Controls For The Heart of The Sun (live, 1968) Careful with that Axe, Eugene (live in San Fransisco, 1970) Saucerful of Secrets (live at Pompeii) Echoes (live at Pompeii)
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    Bob Marley & The Wailers

    Bob Marley was born February 6, 1945. Live recordings: Roots Rock Reggae Could you be loved Stir It Up Redemption Song :weedman:
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    Ibogaïne in het nieuws

    Ibogaïne veroorzaakt hartritmestoornis Smart drug en ‘afkickmedicijn’ ibogaïne kan dodelijke hartritme­stoornissen veroorzaken. Dit schrijven artsen van het UMC Utrecht in een case report in het tijdschrift New England Journal of Medicine van 15 januari. Ze verklaren daarmee als eerste de...
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    Obama's half-brother arrested for pot

    More celebrities in the news for smoking weed... NAIROBI, Kenya, Jan 31, 2009 -- U.S. President Barack Obama's half-brother has been arrested in Kenya for possession of marijuana, police said Saturday. George Obama was arrested on charges of possession of marijuana and resisting arrest, CNN...
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    Funkadelic - Mothership Connection/Swing Down (live in Houston 1976) Funkadelic - Maggot Brain Red Hot Chili Peppers - Jungle Man (1986) Red Hot Chili Peppers - Get up and jump (1984) Stevie Wonder - Superstition (live on Sesame Street, 1973) Stevie Wonder drum solo
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    Low self-esteem & materialism

    [i:30ebmzm7]“Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.
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    Stonerrock, anyone?

    Any of you ever listen to stonerrock from bands like Kyuss, Masters of Reality, Fu Manchu, Queens of the Stone Age, Monster Magnet, Spiritual Beggars or the Desert Sessions? "The first Desert Session was not actually a "session" per se, but Josh Homme and his band at the time (The Acquitted...
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    Beatles @@~

    Freak out!! Tomorrow Never Knows (1966) Old Brown Shoe (1968) Revolution (1968) I Am The Walrus (1967) Something (1969)
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    Singing to the Plants

    by Steve Beyer Shamanism and the Medicine Path An Experiential Typology of Sacred Plants I want to think about three sacred plants — the ayahuasca drink, the peyote cactus, and the teonanácatl mushroom. These plants — well, actually, one of them is a fungus — are often discussed in terms of...