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Résultats de la recherche

  1. M

    Liquid mycelium culture

    I'd like to experiment with liquid cultures, as it seems to me there are less sterility issues and a faster colonisation speed. It also seems like a good way to store mycelium. What is a good medium composition? Are there selective media?
  2. M


    Can infinity be found in nature or is it only a tool to understand nature?
  3. M

    Peering into the micro world

    :) http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2008/1 ... world.html
  4. M

    Picking amanita's

    I recently found 2 patches with amanita mushrooms. I've been reading a lot about them and decided I want to pick some and dry them for storage until I'm ready for an experience. I have some questions: If I just cut of the cap with something sharp that won't kill the mycelium right? How many...
  5. M


    I did a stupid thing... 2 days ago my house mate had a gram of speed he got for 7€ per gram. I hadn't done speed since I was 15 so I decided to give it a go... Around 21:30 we each snorted about 100mgs and waited a bit at home. Then we left to a bar to have a beer. 45 minutes after snorting...
  6. M


    My plant has powdery mildew and I don't want to use fungicides because it'll be ready to harvest in a week or maybe 2. I have some questions: Are there any alternatives for fungicides? My plant is outside, will the mildew die because of lower temperatures this time of year? If it won't die...
  7. M

    J.S. Bach

    Does anyone know where I can download Bach's music for free at a reasonable speed? There is no copyright on his music right? I've been googling without result and the torrent is too slow. I'm particulary interested in Musikalisches Opfer and Art der Fuge. Thanks :wink:
  8. M

    How to destroy earth

  9. M

    "Nature is the best artist"

    http://www.chronoscapes.co.uk/ Time pictures, water pictures ... Ink placed on paper, or photographed in water, captures patterns changing over time
  10. M

    Auto-flower strains

    Who has experience growing lowryder or some other auto-flower plant? How long does it take from seeding to harvest? Yields? How is the smoke? ......?
  11. M

    Peruvian Torch problem

    See the white stains? It has covered my entire cactus by now. My cactus is still alive and well. It's not soft so it's not rotting. My guess is a fungus but I'm not sure.
  12. M

    Semilanceata season is comming: Picking topic

    Does anyone have a key or another determination method for P.semilanceata in western europe? What other mushrooms do resemble semilanceatas? Any info about wild magic mushrooms is welcome...
  13. M

    Extract in a handkerchief

    I still have some 5x extract and lost interest in the smoking method. I do want to try oral use of salvia as I think it has more potential for insight as it is calmer. I thought of putting one gram of extract in a handkerchief to suck on, so it doesn't become a total mess in my mouth and I have...
  14. M

    Ook huisdieren slikken te veel antidepressiva

    Ook huisdieren slikken te veel antidepressiva Dat mensen te veel pillen slikken is al lang bekend, maar nu meldt de Sunday Telegraph dat ook huisdieren steeds meer medicijnen krijgen toegediend om depressies en andere psychische problemen te bestrijden. En dierenorganisaties luiden de noodklok...
  15. M

    MDMA and mescaline cross-tolerance?

    Last monday I had my very first mescaline experience. It wasn't very strong but beautiful and clear, lasted about 7 hours... I'm planning on doing some MDMA on a party tonight. I tried google but there was too much noise to signal ratio...
  16. M


    Ok so my 2 PF cakes stopped giving shrooms, and they have done a good job. Now I'm thinking of making a tea with the cakes or even a simple extraction. Does anyone have info about potency and good processing? (they are 250mL jar cakes)
  17. M

    smoking again

    Tomorrow i'll smoke my first joint since the 14th of november. I have here 25 grams of HQ buds and just rolled a joint to spark it just after my last exam tomorrow :mrgreen: I have noticed that the last days of quiting are far more hard than the first days... Not so long ago i quit for 8...
  18. M

    Mushroom preservation teks

    There are some old threads about this, i know... don't feel like digging them up. I have obtained some mushrooms from a friend yesterday, he harvested them last friday. I put them in a tupperware box with a bag of dessicant in it. I taped the edges to make the box more or less airtight and...
  19. M

    MDMA vs. studying

    i'm going to a party tomorrow, and i'd like to enter the new year on MDMA, but i have exams starting the 7th and i need to study. :roll: i can afford only one day of not studying. does anyone know how MDMA affects the ability to study the days after? peace
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    Huxley's Island

    yesterday i finished Island by Aldous Huxley. it sure is one of the best books i have ever read! sad ending though... it's kind of depressing of how we live in our "rotten" society, but even more depressing that Pala doesn't stand a chance against this outer world (with their armies and...
  21. M

    first time cultivation

    hello (and merry lightmass :wink: ) i have just started my first cultivation of mushrooms using the azarius starter kit (pf tek variant). i have started with only one jar in case it fails. it's now sterilising. and now the questions come if i did everything right. i used an 3/4 full jar of...
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    Kyphosus fuscus

    Kyphosus fuscus also known as the dreamfish http://www.erowid.org/animals/fish/fish_info1.shtml i googled "kyphosus fuscus" and i didn't even find a picture of the fish. anyone have more info? my feeling says 5-meo-dmt... (~the frog)
  23. M

    San Pedro binnen stekken tijdens winter

    ik heb een san pedro staan met een lelijke onderkant en een mooie bovenkant. ik zou graag de onderkant (ca 30cm) gebruiken om te trippen en de bovenkant (ca 10cm) gebruiken om te stekken. ik had wel gelezen dat je bij droog warm weer buiten moet stekken, ik kan dus in de winter niet echt die...
  24. M

    "Gerechtelijke balans" na Dour Music Festival

    17/07/2007 15:44 De 19de editie van het Dour Festival, die het voorbije weekend zowat 144.000 mensen lokte -of zowat 36.000 festivalgangers per dag, heeft ook aanleiding gegeven tot enkele gerechtelijke tussenkomsten, voornamelijk voor drugs. Het parket van Bergen maakte dinsdagmorgen de...
  25. M


    i have some pills containing mcpp now my feeling about mcpp is confused, i don't really hate the mcpp high but i don't like it. i'm just curious about other peoples opinion on mcpp
  26. M

    P Somniferum

    how do you germinate a lot of p.somniferum seeds inside to throw em on soil later? use a gigantic wet towel?? ideas are welcome :?: :?:
  27. M

    XTC identification

    by some pure coincidence i have now 2 pills in my possesion but i have absolutely no idea what and how much is in one. i wonder if there isn't a database like http://www.ecstasydata.org/ but with pills from europe. i would like to know whats in it and how much to know if i should take both at a...
  28. M

    verkiezingen belgië

    eens benieuwd naar het stemgedrag van de belgische psychonaut, vooral met de naderende verkiezingen. voor mij is het de eerste keer stemmen. ik ga resoluut voor SPIRIT. ze zullen onder andere de cannabiswetgeving aanpassen van 3gr vanaf 18 jaar naar 15gr vanaf 16 jaar. hun andere standpunten...
  29. M

    Lormetazepam for bad trip

    is it safe to combine lormetazepam with LSD/shrooms/mescalin/LSA? i have a tablet and i would keep it in a safe place in case of a bad trip like users sometimes do valium to supress fear. just wanted to be sure because with benzo's you can't be sure enough i think.
  30. M

    San Pedro has white spots

    my san pedro has these big yellow spots all over the old part (the cutting from azarius part). I know that these yellowish brownish greenish spots aren't that bad but in these spots there are white spots like there is no more chlorophyl in those parts. anyone has experience with such spots? The...
  31. M

    MDMA and LSD sales on the internet :p

    http://www.tradekey.com/product_view/id/148126.htm guess this is like that kilo of cocaine that once was for sale on ebay lol this guy won't last for long i think
  32. M

    Volksgezondheid waarschuwt voor versneden cannabis (België)

    Het Wetenschappelijk Instituut Volksgezondheid trekt aan de alarmbel nadat in Frankrijk twee gevallen van ernstige ademhalingsproblemen vastgesteld werden na het gebruik van cannabis, versneden met microscopisch kleine bolletjes glas. In België werden bij de analyse van een staal wiet...
  33. M

    science subforum?

    i was lik thinking and maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to make a science subforum next to "Art & Philosophy" that is not directly related to drugs but about recent developements and discoveries,... just thinking aloud :wink:
  34. M

    double chamber bong

    does anyone have experience with a bond with 2 reservoirs? i'm planning on buying one but i don't know if it's like better than a normal bong or if you have to do more effort for a good hit. heres the one i might buy (its kinda cheap and it looks cool)...
  35. M

    herbeginnen met cannabis

    ik ben nu al 7 maand gestopt met cannabis omdat ik problemen had met ouders en politie. ik heb 5 jaar gebruikt, mijn bedoeling was om na 8 maand opnieuw te beginnen (dan wordt ik 18 hehe), ik heb dit nu verteld aan mijn moeder omdat ik het deze keer heel eerlijk wil spelen maar ze raadt het...
  36. M

    medical use of psychoactives

    http://wings.buffalo.edu/aru//preprohibition.htm it's about cocaine, opiates and amphetamines used for medical purpose in the days they were still legal. those good old days...
  37. M


    ik heb hier al heeel lange tijd yopo zaadjes liggen maar dat bakken in die pan tot ze als popcorn poffen is niet zo makkelijk zonder gesloten pan. het mislukt constant, ik heb dan ook geen ervaring met popcorn, ik koop mn popcorn altijd voorgepoft met veel caramel :twisted: dus heeft iemand...
  38. M

    ephedra gekte

    ik heb nu al 2 maal een grote hoeveelheid ephedra genomen en 2x voelde ik me na bepaalde tijd alsof ik gek aan het worden was. de laatste keer zat ik zo in mezelf te mompelen en zo, maar ik had er ook wel heel wat alcohol bijgegoten :oops: ik had wel gelezen dat alcohol+ephedrine een euforie...
  39. M


    ik heb al lang een groot pak catmint van op azarius liggen. eerst dacht ik van dit is brol, ik voel er niks van. maar net als bij salvia voel je bij elke keer meer omdat je de space begint te herkennen. ik heb het al altijd gerookt maar ik zou graag meer proberen. roken is hier niet echt een...
  40. M

    codeine in hoestsiroop

    iemand ervaring met codeine in hoestsiroop? op erowid zeggen ze dat er in hoestsiroop meestal nog paracetamol en zo zit en dat de dosis te laag is om te bespreken. nu heb ik hier hoestsiroop Bronchosedal met 9.2 mg codeinesulfaat per 10 ml siroop, zonder andere actieve ingredienten. maar er...
  41. M

    GHB bewaren?

    hoe lang kun je ghb bewaren en hoe doe je dit best?
  42. M

    Going to india

    next summer i'm planning a trip to india, i would like to go to goa of course because of the parties and what's left of the culture, but i would not know where to go in goa. anyone know good villages or cities with cultural, non tourist things but also a lot of goa-trance raves? if they're not...
  43. M

    Mescaline bewaren

    ik heb hier een san pedro met naar ik vrees wortelrot, maar ik zou nog willen wachten met het gebruik van de mescaline, is er een manier om de stek die ik eraf zal doen te bewaren? of een manier om direkt al de mescaline te bewaren in vloeistof of zo? ik weet wel niet zeker of het wortelrot is...
  44. M

    DXM + cigarettes

    http://www.dextroverse.org/warnings.html on this site they warn that cigarette smoke may be considered a MAO inhibitor. is this true or bullshit?
  45. M

    name of DXM products in belgium?

    hi there, can anyone tell me some brand names of coughing syrups that contain DXM but no or few other active ingredients in belgium?
  46. M

    realy wierd video

    this is a weird video that gives you some kind of short lasting visuals. altough i don't think it's very good for your head to watch it too much :P http://de.fishki.net/pics9/galyuny.wmv
  47. M

    hoe mescaline concentratie verhogen?

    ik heb op het cacti forum de post van Goran gelezen maar ik begrijp er niet veel van, hij begint dan over satelieten en zo, en bijgevolg vertrouw ik de informatie ook niet zozeer. iemand ervaring hiermee? of nuttige links of zo?
  48. M

    Weed + dried blood?? wtf??

    i heared that if you roll a joint with weed and some dried blood, you get really really stoned, anyway it seems very disgusting. anyone have experience with this?
  49. M

    yopo bereiding

    ik heb mn yopo zaadjes van azarius ontvangen en ik heb er 5 geroosterd in een pan maar ik vrees dat ik ze laten branden heb. het vermalen poeder is zwart van kleur, of is dit normaal zo?
  50. M

    Salvia leaves

    i ordered some salvia leaves from azarius, and i already smoked it about 10 times, still no more effect than a little buzz and being sucked into my bed and stuff. I even filled 6 little alum foil cups with holes in it for my bong (out of pipe screens) and smoked them all holding the smoke 20sec...
  51. M


    Ik heb thuis enkele plantjes 2 oude en een nieuwe. die twee oude waren slechts een experimentje, vensterbankkweek en dan nog in de winter. nou mn probleem is: die oude plantjes hebben een tijdje fosfortekort gehad en een te zure bodem, dus ik moest eerst de bodem ontzuren met calcium voor ik...
  52. M

    San Pedro herkennen

    ik heb vandaag een klein cactusje gekocht die heel sterk lijkt op een san pedro maar het leek me onwaarschijnlijk. weet er iemand hoe je zeker kan zijn dat je met een san pedro te doen hebt?