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Résultats de la recherche

  1. Fiashly


    Thats the same pipe I use. I believe there are better ones out there but that one you linked to is easy to find and cheap. I actually bought two, one for good product and one for the residue producing kind so I can just chuck it when it gets too much crap built up in it. No need to put water...
  2. Fiashly

    DMT and Health - Question.

    Can you cite any sources on this? I think the pineal gland thing is tossed about as fact all of the time as a result of Strassman not being very clear that it is only his theory and not proven fact when he discusses it in his book. But I have not seen any study that concludes that DMT is...
  3. Fiashly


    How long on average does it take for complete evap? The vast majority of the material is long since evaporated but I still have some gooiness left. I want it as dry as possible but it seems to be taking longer to go from runny goo to gel like resin than it did to go from liquid to runny goo...
  4. Fiashly


    What's a better solvent? I know there are some issues with the word naptha being applied to different things but I have heard it said the VM&P naptha is fine. I just finished my first two extractions with VM&P and while I definitely have something usable orally with an maoi, it's too nasty to...
  5. Fiashly

    DMT in Naptha

    I don't mean to hijack this thread but since the consensus seems to be PH 13 on the base end, what is the consensus on the PH at the acid end? I did my first couple of extractions (still evaporating so no idea on the yield yet) but my solvent was clear at the end, no yellow tinge at all. But I...
  6. Fiashly

    Got DMT gona smoke it 2nite..will a crack pipe work??

    Even a small amount should have a noticable effect so most likely you got bunk stuff. An easy way to smoke it if you don't have proper paraphernalia is the old "chasing the dragon" method. Get a peice of foil and fashion a tablespoon sized bowl shape. Remember that on first heat the material...