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  1. ImTrippingStupid

    Anyone Use Chat Anymore

    hello was just wondering if anyone still uses IRC for chat. I logged into the room for the 1st time in almost a year & I am all alone & that form what i remember is odd cause there was always someone in the room before. What is the deal?
  2. ImTrippingStupid

    Did it begin?

    I know this much thats why i hope i can afford to leave before it gets really really bad. Its bad enough with everythign thats going on. I have been dealign with these assholes in DC since janurary because I work in the auto industry. Took me 3 months to find a new job. A lot of people i...
  3. ImTrippingStupid

    Did it begin?

    I just hope i can get enough money saved up to buy a ticket out of here if it gets really bad. other then that i just tryign to fiond a place to go once i do leave. I have been wanting to goto Europe for a few years now. Maybe this will be the nail in the coffin if I can come up with the...
  4. ImTrippingStupid

    LSD Market Conditions?

    They back around but I still not satisfied with the high cost that is running around locally. Wish more people around here tripped. Everyone here is afraid of this stuff. :(
  5. ImTrippingStupid

    LSD Market Conditions?

    Prices vary here at times depending on where they came from. I just hope I can find another source before I run out :( The Blotter seems to have disappeared from the market
  6. ImTrippingStupid

    Taking LSD

    Congratulations my friend. enjoy the ride. Don't over do it. make sure set & setting is proper. As always be safe. LSD has helped me in many ways. Spiritually & i believe medically. LSD has helped me get rid of heroin, Coke, Meth, and Cigarette addictions. I am tripping on a ball park of 8...
  7. ImTrippingStupid

    Using something other then sugar cubes or blotter paper

    Is there something else I could use to put doses on? Like a cert, tic tac, Sweettart candy or something like that? I don't have anyway of dealing with laying a sheet and sugar cubes will break in the mail. any ideas?
  8. ImTrippingStupid

    #Psychonaut IRC-chatroom

    Does anyone ever use chat?
  9. ImTrippingStupid

    New Addition

    Just thought I would post here to say hello. Some of you may have seen me post on a few topics already. Been lurking for a few weeks since the beginning of the new year. In the past a lot of my friends said I know alot about different drugs and Entheogenic substances but after reading a few...
  10. ImTrippingStupid

    More bullshit science: Marihuana kills your teeth

    What complete bullshit. Tobacco will definately fuck your teeth up making gums receed. But I would say that gut look like he never brushed his fuckin teeth in his life & smoked a lot of crack. lol
  11. ImTrippingStupid

    LSD coming back?

    I am sitting on around 30 doses of liquid @ the moment. boy am i going to have some fun. :twisted: :D :shock:
  12. ImTrippingStupid

    Where to get it?

    Man if you have the $$$ to buy a 1/8 of crystal your the man. Now would ya be able to make 35,000 doses disappear?
  13. ImTrippingStupid

    LSD coming back?

    woohoo I got me a vial of liquid coming this weekend. Has been a month for me. I would have been tripping lovely for the past month if it weren't for the fact that I was really sick & ended up in the hospital. Its even better when ya don't have to pay for your personal doses. :D
  14. ImTrippingStupid

    LSD coming back?

    Man thats painful. There is a reason there is a lot in your area. It's called no one can afford to get off nice by eating a lot at once so it just sits around. I would learn how to grow mushrooms before I paid $35 Euro for a dose of acid considering the Euro Stronger then the USD right now...
  15. ImTrippingStupid

    LSD coming back?

    Man if you can't find any in California @ all times there is a problem considering your in the state where most the really killer strong Pure LSD 25 is still made in good old Northern Cali. Where they are greedy & only make the supply for California only. Come on dude If you can't find acid in...
  16. ImTrippingStupid

    LSD coming back?

    I have access to a rather large supply & have had one for a while but didn't know it was back around till new years. I have noticed difference in the liquid then I have had in the past but this is also the first time i have had LSD imported from Europe. This stuff was rather mellow for the...