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Le forum des amateur·ices de drogues et de l'exploration de l'esprit

Contenu récent par toogoodforyou

  1. T

    Chat room feature

    Okay, an unofficial irc chat room for psychonaut.com already exists the following link will help you join the room with an IRC client http://www.psychonaut.com/events-friends/27388-psychonaut-irc-chatroom.html to join the chat room using a web browser use this link...
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    #Psychonaut IRC-chatroom

    Bump. Start using chat everyone, it would be fun connecting with all you creative and intelligent psychonauts
  3. T

    What happened to Ketamine?

    I've done ketamine only once till now when a doctor psychonaut gave me a fresh bottle of it. I had the most ego crushing experience on ketamine 3 years back when I entered the k-hole. I couldn't move and was taken to a completely different world, it did teach me a lot of secrets about life and...
  4. T

    Chat room feature

    Come on admins of this website! A live psychonaut chat would be a very creative outflow and inflow of live information on psychonautism for everyone
  5. T

    Psychonaut or Druggie?

    I think there is a thin line between psychonautism and being a druggie, and it's easy to tip over to the druggie side. Your regular pothead is not a psychonaut. A real psychonaut would travel his or her mind using psychedelics and then ingrain and imply what has been learned from the experience...
  6. T

    Psychedelic drugs, magical thinking and psychosis.

    Nice read. Especially for people like me who have experienced both the bliss and psychosis on psychedelics. A good trip could alter your life for the better and a bad one could either teach you immensely about life or take you to a state of psychosis. Set and setting and the mind state prior to...
  7. T

    Chat room feature

    These are one of my favorite forums about psychedelics and philosophy with amazing discussions going on. It would be fun if you could add a chat room feature to this website, as it would help psychonaut interact with other fellow psychonauts live. Imagine having a chat while having some...
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    movies & reality

    If you can't contribute to a topic intelligibly without a condescending attitude I suggest you don't post at all. Think before hitting the reply button 'dude'
  9. T

    mind of no expectation

    I think we humans will always be in tunnel vision mode. That tunnel may cover maybe infinite consciousness or it may be narrowed down to doing a small task at hand or some studies, but it's always through a tunnel, either you may be focusing on the vast consciousness or on the small task but...
  10. T

    Art is the result of a subconscious human madness

    Are you saying that Tigers raised by a normal human or circus people are same as Tigers raised by Buddhist monks?? Even water crystals have proven to change their form through our thinking, imagine the effects the large number of meditative monks must be having on those tigers, you wouldn't...
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    Art is the result of a subconscious human madness

    I am not talking about negative or positive, I'm talking about the shift in art once a person learns to accept the emptiness of life. Sure, life exists in a variety of emotions and mental states, the emotions come and go as projections on this empty screen, but in the end what is left is...
  12. T

    a little bit traumatised braineater

    I can relate with you BrainEater There are too many stupid (or should i say unaware) people around talking simply for the sake of it, talks revolving mostly around money, disease, materialistic possessions or something negative. The media is filled with negative news, fights, accidents...
  13. T

    mind of no expectation

    Traveling is a great eye opening experience, especially if you travel and hitchhike to foreign places. I think traveling to foreign places expands your consciousness and forces you to see life from different angles, also it makes you feel more alive. However, it can also be an escape from life...
  14. T

    What's the difference between the different kinds of ecstasy ?

    Traditionally ecstasy is the street name primarily for the chemical MDMA, but pills are usually mixed with a variety of others drugs like speed, MDA etc. The intensity of your pill will depend on the quality and quantity of MDMA in it, which will be pretty difficult to predict. You wouldn't...
  15. T

    Art is the result of a subconscious human madness

    An evolved society would not mean a utopia without any problems. Problems would still be there, only our energies would be directed from power, duty, suicide etc. to emptiness, sex, creativity, nature, music, functional work, traveling etc. Such a drama less reality is definitely possible and...