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Contenu récent par StichtingOPEN

  1. StichtingOPEN

    Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelics Research 2016, 3 - 5 June, Amsterdam

    We just announced many more speakers: Speakers ICPR 2016 Phase II tickets are available until tomorrow. After that, full price is in effect.
  2. StichtingOPEN

    Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelics Research 2016, 3 - 5 June, Amsterdam

    The Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelics Research 2016 is the third scientific conference on research into psychedelics organised by the OPEN Foundation. This interdisciplinary conference will gather and connect experts from various academic fields, covering neurosciences...
  3. StichtingOPEN

    Novel Applications for Depression - Utrecht University, September 15th

    Unitas Pharmaceuticum and Stichting OPEN present: Psychedelics – Novel Applications for Depression An evening symposium dedicated to recent research into the potential anti-depressant effects and mechanisms of action of psychedelic drugs. There’s a recognized need among therapists for more...
  4. StichtingOPEN

    Amsterdam lecture: Psilocybin in the treatment of end-of-life anxiety

    (Hope this is in the right section. If not, feel free to move this to the appropriate subforum, mods!) Psilocybin in the treatment of end-of-life anxiety Can psychedelics help patients cope with the fear of death? Dr. Grob will come all the way from Los Angeles to give a lecture on his...
  5. StichtingOPEN

    Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research

    We would like to announce that the full schedule for the conference is now online! Information about all the speakers and their topics can be found here. If you haven't done so already, you can register until the end of September. Tickets at the door will be very limited. Special Tracks ICPR...
  6. StichtingOPEN

    Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research

    The Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research is slowly approaching: in six weeks time the city of Amsterdam will be the centre of today's cutting-edge psychedelics research. On October 6th and 7th, some of the world's leading scientists will address the latest results of their...
  7. StichtingOPEN

    Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research

    Please be reminded that our special Early Bird rate will only be available for 5 more days. Get your tickets here today, before prices go up! Meanwhile, the programme is filling out. To know more about the latest additions to our programme, continue reading below. We are proud to present our...
  8. StichtingOPEN

    Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research

    Stichting OPEN presents Interdisciplinary Conference On Psychedelic Research 2012 List of invited speakers and tentative topics · Robin Carhart-Harris, PhD | Imperial College London| UK| Brain mechanisms of psilocybin · Matthew Johnson, PhD | Johns Hopkins | USA | Hallucinogen research at...
  9. StichtingOPEN

    European Ayahuasca Research Symposium

    European Ayahuasca Research Symposium presented by Stichting OPEN and MAPS – in collaboration with Bia Labate Ph.D., MAPS Hungary and Cognito – The European Ayahuasca Research Symposium is a multidisciplinary series of lectures that focuses on current research being done in Europe. Experts...
  10. StichtingOPEN

    Mind Altering Science – An OPEN Conference

    Nog maar een kleine week voor de start van het Mind Altering Science congress in Amsterdam. Een update met het laatste nieuws: De (bijna) complete programmering staat op de website! Misschien was sommigen van jullie al opgevallen dat Bia Labate in het programma ontbreekt. Helaas kan ze niet aan...
  11. StichtingOPEN

    Mind Altering Science – An OPEN Conference on Psychedelic Re

    Dear friends, Less than a week before the Mind Altering Science conference starts! This is the final update. After a long struggle we managed to put the (almost) final version of the conference schedule online. Please have a look at the Programme. You might have noticed that Bia Labate is no...
  12. StichtingOPEN

    Mind Altering Science – An OPEN Conference on Psychedelic Re

    As the conference keeps getting closer and closer, we keep confirming more and more speakers. We are very excited to announce that one of our newest additions to the programme is none less than criminal lawyer Adèle van der Plas. She has been involved in the legalisation of Dutch Santo Daime...
  13. StichtingOPEN

    Hoe werken psychedelica? 7 okt 2010 univ. Leiden

    Voor de vierde en laatste keer organiseert Stichting OPEN de lezingen '(Hoe) werken psychedelica?', met dank aan studievereniging Labyrint uit Leiden. In deze lezing wordt op zowel subjectief als 'objectief' niveau besproken wat het betekent om te trippen. Dr. Hylke Vervaeke en dr. Ruud...
  14. StichtingOPEN

    Mind Altering Science – An OPEN Conference on Psychedelic Re

    Back with more news about the Conference: Dr. Stephen Snelders has confirmed his participation at our conference! He will open the conference on Saturday morning with a lecture called "Research and therapy with hallucinogens in the Netherlands revisited". He is a Dutch researcher, lecturer and...
  15. StichtingOPEN

    Mind Altering Science – An OPEN Conference on Psychedelic Re

    Dear all, Stichting open is glad to inform you that we have confirmed two other speakers since the original post! Joining us in October is Katharina Kirchner, who worked with Peter Gasser on the MAPS sponsored study into "LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Anxiety Secondary to Life...