Pleased to meet you. Hope you guessed my name

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Sjors
  • Date de début Date de début


Well it isnt that hard to guess, its standing next to this post :)

I‘m Sjors Timmer , I live in Utrecht and am in the Last year of the School of Arts Utrecht.

Im also part time designer.. and i helped with making this forum, So trow all your graphical questions to me :)

hope to see you arround

I'm Lotte (just once, but of course someone already took my name, hence LotteLotte) (I always was kinda obtrusive.... :lol: )

I live in amsterdam, where I'm studying and working.

And I like the mushroom... :D

Pleased to meet you... Hope you remember my name....

Greetings Sjors, I think you have done quite well... :)

I hope to learn and share many things on this site. Thank you.

Hello everybody !

My name is Bob (in fact a nickname). I live in Brussels, Belgium
I'm writer, actually working on a book about drugs (to be released in french language in about 2 years)

This forum is really a pleasant one. Cool people, with what I'd call "the right mood"